All teachers and students will be required to…(全体师生务必要)
Notice is hereby given that…(兹通知)
Our school/The Student Union will/is going to hold…
A lecture will be given at 7:00 this evening in…
Everybody is expected to attend it.
Be sure to attend it on time.
Please/Do be present on time.
开场白部分:Ladies and gentlemen,May I have your at tention,please?I have an announce ment to make.
正文部分:All the teachers and students are required to at tendit.Please take your note books and make notes. Please listenc are fully and we’ll have adiscussion ing roups.Please come on time and don’t belate.
结束语部分:Please come and join in it.Every body is welcom to at tend it.I hope you’ll have an icetime here.That’sall.Thank you.