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    What is the boy going to buy?

    A. Some juice. B. Some oranges. C. Some apples.



    1.What does the girl want to have?

    A.Some oranges. B.Some apples. C.Some water.

    2.Who wants to know how to use the Internet?

    A.Alan’s grandma. B.Alan’s sister. C.Alan’s mother.

    3.How many people will be at the picnic?

    A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.

    4.Where is the boy going to eat?

    A.Mr. Jackson. B.Sam’s. C.The girl’s house.

    5.What does the woman mean?

    A.She doesn’t have any tickets. B.The ticket has been sold out.

    C.It’s free to visit the Science Museum.



    6.What does the boy think of Beijing Opera?

    A.Exciting B.Boring. C. Wonderful.

    7.Who like Beijing Opera?

    A. The girl. B. The boy’ parents. C. The girl’ grandparents.


    8.What are Tim and Alice talking about?

    A.A book. B.A match. C.A movie.

    9.How does Alice like the music?

    A.Sweet B.Wonderful C.Beautiful


    10.What are the speakers going to do tomorrow?

    A.Go boating. B.Go hiking. C.Go bike riding.

    11.When will they set out tomorrow morning?

    A.At 6:30. B.At 7:00. C.At 7:30.

    12.What can we learn from the conversation?

    A.Today’s weather is worse than yesterday.

    B.The speakers want to enjoy the morning sunshine.

    C.The speakers will take food, drinks and some cards.


    13.What happened to Mr. King?

    A.He had a fever. B.He had a toothache. C.His leg was hurt.

    14.Who took Mr. King to the hospital?

    A.His wife. B.A young man. C.Some students.

    15.Which of the following is true?

    A.The young man drove his car fast. B.Mr. King doesn’t feel much better.

    C.Mr. King will go to school tomorrow.


    16.Yesterday we went to the ________ field and played against Portland Middle School.

    17.Mr. Brown wanted us to keep ________ in mind while playing the game.

    18.One of the players called Peter from the other team was ________.

    19.The players of the other team began to _________ because they couldn’t get the ball.

    20.When the match ended, we got _________ goals in total.



    21.—Have you watched the TV play A Lifelong Journey (《人世间》)?

    —Yes, I have. It ________ me a lot.

    A.touch B.will touch C.touched D.have touched

    22.Today, many winter Olympic sports ________ by people of all ages.

    A.have enjoyed B.will be enjoyed

    C.were enjoyed D.are enjoyed

    23.President Xi said, “The people are true heroes, ________ it’s they who create history.”

    A.but B.for C.if D.so

    24.— Yesterday, I paid more money for the gasoline(汽油) than last time. It’s terrible.

    —Yeah. The price of the gasoline is increasing ________ these days.

    A.quicker B.slower C.more quickly D.more slowly

    25.On the Internet, you can compare the prices of the same ________, save money and choose your favourite thing.

    A.project B.product C.subject D.method

    26.Gu Ailing, the world champion, __________ teenagers to challenge themselves through winter sports.

    A.expresses B.encourages C.trusts D.compares

    27.The bag my mother bought me ________ gets out of style, but it is still the best thing in my mind.

    A.heavily B.normally C.suddenly D.gradually

    28.—What is the Trip Code(行程码)used for?

    —It’s used to show where we ________ in the last 14 days.

    A.were B.will be C.had been D.have been



    Summer time in the United States generally means people have a lot more free time to enjoy the outdoors. The sun is out for longer, so there are more hours in the ____29____ to enjoy. Having more free time does not mean you need to ____30____ a lot of money. There are plenty of ways to enjoy your city or town for little or no money.

    In summer, many parks ____31____ free concerts. Sometimes these concerts feature (以……为特色) bands and musicians that are ____32____. Other times the concerts are given by up and coming (崭露头角的) ____33____ . It doesn’t matter whether you know the band playing or not, these free concerts in the park are a great way to ____34____ music outdoors. If you arrive at the park ____35____ with your friends, you can even have a picnic. Many parks also offer free outdoor screenings of ____36____. It’s always a good idea to arrive early to get a good viewing spot (地点). Being too ____37____ to the movie screen is no fun — your neck will _____38_____. And sitting too far means you’ll have to squint (眯眼看). These outdoor movie screenings are also great for picnics.

    If you are a big fan of theater, most big cities have _____39_____ Shakespeare-in-the-park programs. These programs feature different works of Shakespeare: performed live and outdoors. Many of these programs are free. Some of these Shakespeare-in-the-park programs are so _____40_____ that people line up for hours to get free tickets. Usually the tickets are “first come, first served”. If all the tickets are _____41_____ before you get to the front of the line, then you are out of luck. So get there early!

    If you don’t have air conditioning, many museums offer free admission days or hours. ____42____the museums being cool in temperature, they are also cool _____43_____ you can see amazing works of art.

    29.A.hour B.day C.month D.year

    30.A.save B.waste C.spend D.borrow

    31.A.open B.offer C.choose D.change

    32.A.new B.proud C.famous D.handsome

    33.A.artists B.writers C.dentists D.magicians

    34.A.watch B.enjoy C.learn D.support

    35.A.late B.early C.slowly D.happily

    36.A.shows B.plays C.operas D.movies

    37.A.far B.high C.close D.straight

    38.A.hurt B.break C.worry D.drop

    39.A.its B.our C.your D.their

    40.A.loud B.popular C.hopeful D.common

    41.A.given away B.sold out C.put down D.fixed up

    42.A.With B.From C.Besides D.Without

    43.A.if B.unless C.though D.because


    serious hit feel also experience stress sudden slow building their but

    When an earthquake happens, part of the Earth's surface moves. In fact, the surface of the Earth moves all the time. The tectonic plates(地壳板块) which make up the surface press against each other very ____44____. Over thousands of years, this movement creates great ____45____. In some places where the layers(表层) of rock are weak, this finally causes a ____46____ movement -an earthquake. Thousands of earthquakes happen every day, ____47____ most are very small and cause no damage. A large earthquake shakes ____48____ to the ground, or causes a tsunami(海啸) wave. The results are usually very ____49____ .It's common for people in southern Europe ____50____ big earthquakes, and on November1st, 1755, a powerful earthquake ____51____ the city of Lisbon in Portugal. Between 60,000 and 100,000 people lost ____52____ lives. After the earthquake a tsunami struck the city, and there was ____53____ a fire, which caused nearly total destruction(毁灭). People as far away as Finland ____54____ the shock, and the tsunami reached Barbados in the West Indies.





    Fischis Quality Ski School offers a new ski course adventure!

    Sports and fun are both on the programme. While practising skills, we ski through the Mount Schlangental, jump over ski jumps and make new friends!




    • Special learning methods for fun skiing

    • Top trained and patient ski coaches

    • Free helmets during course times

    • Weekly final race with a big prize ceremony, a medal for every skier


    • Lunch is not available because of COVID-19 at the moment.

    • Warm clothes, gloves and sunglasses should be brought by yourselves.


    • Pupils are divided into age-groups through discussion or by showing their skiing knowledge or ability.

    • Group size: 3-6 children per coach during course times


    LevelPrice/Half dayPrice/A day

    Beginner: Pupils who have not skied before42 EUR75 EUR

    Advanced: Pupils with basic skiing experience56 EUR100 EUR

    55.Who may be interested in the information above?

    A.Coaches. B.Officers. C.Sportsmen. D.Parents.

    56.When attending the ski course, skiers can ________.

    A.get a free helmet after class B.win medals for entering the final race

    C.choose the groups as they like D.be provided with gloves and sunglasses

    57.The course price of a day for Alex, a skier without any skiing experience, may be ________.

    A.42 EUR B.56 EUR C.75 EUR D.100 EUR


    Hou Changliang volunteered to teach at Xiangyang Primary School in a remote village in Yunnan Province in August 2017. It is the third village school that Hou has taught at since he graduated from Hunan University of Arts and Science in 2011.

    “The longer I stayed in the countryside, the more deeply I understood the challenges in rural(乡村的)education.

    Rural schools need teachers, especially good ones,” Hou says, adding that a good teacher can make a real difference in a student’s life and can even change a village.

    When it comes to helping develop rural education, the first thing most people think of is to give away things, such as desks, books, clothing and even money. However, Hou says, “ No matter how many advanced facilities(先进的设施)a school has, it is teachers who guide students. No matter how many wonderful books are given away, it is teachers who guide students to read. If there are no teachers, computers are just decorations and some students even use pages from books as toilet paper.”

    On a video sharing-platform, Hou posts images of his everyday life with students, which have drawn more than 300,000 followers. “What I can do is limited(有限的). Though social media, I hope that my story can not only make more people understand and support rural education, but also encourage other rural teachers like me,” Hou says. “There is still a long way to go to improve the level of rural education,”

    58.What does Hou think is the most important for rural education?

    A.Good teachers. B.Wonderful books.

    C.Advanced facilities. D.Good learning environment,

    59.Why does Hou share his everyday life on a video-sharing platform?

    ⑴ to get more support for rural education

    ⑵ to encourage other rural teachers

    ⑶ to show his special life and make money

    ⑷ to become a famous person on the Internet

    ⑸ to make more people pay attention to rural education

    A..⑴⑵⑷ B.⑴⑵⑸ C.⑵⑶⑷ D.⑵⑶⑸

    60.What can we know about Hou’s personality according to the passage?

    A.Brave, talented and humorous.

    B.Proud, strict and outgoing.

    C.Careful, quiet and hard-working.

    D.Kind, helpful and creative.


    Koalas are one of the loveliest animals all around the earth. They look like teddy bears. They are gentle and quiet. Children and adults all like them.

    Australia is the only area of the world that has koalas. Koalas means “no water” in Australia. Because koalas hardly drink water, but they get fluids from their food — eucalyptus (桉树) leaves.

    Koalas are marsupials (有袋类动物). They carry their babies in the mother’s pocket. A newborn baby koala is born blind and hairless. At first it drinks its mother’s milk. It spends its first six months inside the mother’s pocket. The next 2-3 months the baby koala will be seen catching its mother’s fur in the daytime. But it always hides in its mother’s pocket at night for safety. A mother koala will carry her baby until it is old enough to be its own.

    Koalas live in trees in their lifetime. A baby koala starts to climb trees by itself when it is nine months old. After a long time of eating and climbing, the little koala is ready to sleep. They usually come out at night and they sleep for eighteen hours during the day. They are moving slowly and really don’t move around a lot, except to feed. Koalas are also excellent swimmers. They sometimes swim across rivers when there is flood (洪水) in their areas.

    61.What do we know about koalas from Paragraph 1-2?

    A.Koalas drink much water. B.Koalas only live in Australia.

    C.Koalas are a kind of teddy bears. D.Koala means “water” in Australian.

    62.What does the underlined word “fluid” mean in the passage?

    A.液体 B.细菌 C.营养 D.热量

    63.How long does a baby koala stay in its mother’s pocket?

    A.One year. B.2-3 months. C.6 months. D.Until it is old enough.

    64.What can we learn from the passage?

    A.Koalas aren’t good at swimming.

    B.Koalas sleep for long hours in trees at night.

    C.Koalas move quickly and don’t move around a lot.

    D.When koalas are born, they can’t see anything clearly.


    Beauty sleep is a real thing, researches have shown that people who have enough sleep look more attractive(有魅力的)to others.

    A few bad nights is enough to make a person look “especially” more ugly, their sleep experiments show. The researchers asked 25 university students to join in their sleep experiment. They were asked to get a good night’s sleep for two nights. A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night for two nights in a row. The researchers took make-up free(素颜)photos of the volunteers after both the good and the bad sleep.

    Next, they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judge(评价)them on attractiveness, health and sleepiness, as well as asking them, “How much would you like to make friends with this person in the picture?”

    The strangers were good at judging if the persons they were looking at were tired, and, if they were sleepy, their attractiveness scores were low. The strangers also said they wouldn’t want to socialize (交住) with the tired students.

    The researchers say this is natural for people. An unhealthy-looking face makes people run away. In other words, people don’t want to hang around with people who might be ill. Dr. Brewer, an expert (专家) at the University of Liverpool said, “Judgment of attractiveness is often unconscious(无意识的), but we all do it, and we are able to judge on even something small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy. This study is a good reminder of how important sleep is to us.”

    65.When did the researchers take make-up free photos of volunteers?

    A.After two nights’ good sleep. B.After two nights’ bad sleep.

    C.Before the experiment. D. After both two nights’ good sleep and two nights’ had sleep.

    66.Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?









    67.What kind of friends did the strangers like to make?

    A.The people who were tired. B.The people who were sleepy.

    C.The people who were unhealthy. D.The people who were attractive and energetic.

    68.According to the passage, which of the following is the best title?

    A.Beauty Sleep, More Attractive B.More Sleep, More Friends

    C.Less Sleep, Fewer Friends D.No Attractiveness, No Friends


    Have you gotten vaccinated? This question has been a common way to greet others in China since the country produced a number of COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗) in December 2020.

    China vaccinated 40 percent of its population by June, 2021. At the same time, China was also providing vaccines for other countries. It is exporting (出口) COVID-19 vaccines to 28 countries and giving help to 69 countries in need, Xinhua reported. Most of these countries were developing nations, such as Pakistan, Mongolia and Mexico. The leaders of these countries were taking the lead in receiving vaccine shots in January last year. They included Indonesian President Joko Widodo and Chilean President Sebastian Pinera.

    According to the World Bank, to vaccinate (接种) their citizens, small and medium-sized developing nations could have ended up a year behind larger developing nations and developed countries. Some wealthier nations have already stored many vaccine doses (剂) for their own citizens. Some of them have ordered enough vaccines to vaccinate their people two or three times, The Washington Post reported.

    For countries that have not yet developed or gotten a vaccine, China may be the only answer, AP noted China is one of the few nations that can produce vaccines on a large scale (大批量).

    China joined COVAX in October 2020, a mechanism (机制) organized by the World Health Organization, to make sure that all members can get the vaccines in the future. China has decided to offer 10 million vaccines to COVAX, Xinhua reported.

    69.What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?

    A.China offers vaccines to all other countries for free.

    B.China has only sent vaccines to nearby Asian countries.

    C.Chinese vaccines are used in many countries.

    D.Some people have questioned the safety of Chinese vaccines.

    70.As for COVID-19 vaccines, which of the following is true about small and medium-sized developing nations?

    A.They have received help from western countries.

    B.They have started to develop their own vaccines.

    C.They have stored enough vaccines for their citizens.

    D.They have fallen behind in vaccinating their citizens.

    71.What is the correct order of the following events according to the passage?

    a. China produced COVID-19 vaccines.

    b. 40 percent of Chinese people have received vaccine shots.

    c. Many leaders in less developing countries received vaccine shots.

    d. China joined COVAX.

    A.a-d-c-b B.d-a-c-b C.d-a-b-c D.a-d-b-c

    72.What can be inferred (推断) from the passage?

    A.COVID-19 will soon end.

    B.China might offer COVID-19 vaccines all over the world.

    C.China is the only country to develop COVID-19 vaccines.

    D.Chinese COVID-19 vaccines are cheaper and safer than others.


    Let’s face it, all of us have our own bad habits. We may bite our nails(咬指甲). Others might break into others’ words often. Young people always stay up at night. ___73___ Have no fear(害怕)! Today I will teach you to beat your bad habits.

    ___74___ Those bad habits would produce bad influences(影响) would finally lead to bad results. So pay attention to yourself on personal development and build your social circle.

    Recognize(辨认) the bad habit you want to break. ___75___ If don’t believe you have a bad habit or you don’t know why some things just keep happening to you over and over, get answers from the people around you. They may help you recognize whether(是否) your habit is bad or not.

    Decide how serious you are about breaking the habit. If you know it clearly, you will be able to achieve your goal. You can write down when, where and why you do the habit. ___76___ Think about what you wrote.

    Think about a healthy habit that could take the place of your bad habit. ___77___ Catch yourself doing the bad habit and stop yourself. Practice the healthy habit instead. Practice this as often as you want. The more you practice a behavior(行为), the sooner it will become a habit.

    A.All these bad habits are hard to break.

    B.Create as many great habits as possible.

    C.Habit changing always takes a long time.

    D.Writing makes you know more about the habit.

    E.Realize bad habits have influences and results.

    F.Knowing your bad habit will help you control it.

    G.Choose the good habit you would like to practice.



    A: Hi, Bill?

    B: Hi, Mary! ____78____

    A: To the school library.

    B: I’m also going there. ____79____

    A: OK. Do you want to borrow books?

    B: No. I want to study there. ____80____

    A: I want to borrow some books on nature.

    B: ____81____

    A: Yes. And I’m going to write about the protection of ecological (生态的) balance and then report it to my classmates tomorrow.

    B: That’s a good topic. ____82____

    A: I hope so. I think it’s our duty to take good care of the earth we live on.

    A.Let’s go together.

    B.It’s so hard for me to study in the library.

    C.Are you interested in nature?

    D.Where are you going?

    E.How often do you go there?

    F.What are you planning to do there?

    G.Your classmates will know more about it.




    1、What do you think of Hou Changliang’s experiences?

    2、What do you want to be when you grow up?

    3、How do you plan to achieve it?







    M: Would you like some oranges and apples, Alice?

    W: Neither. I’d like a glass of water, Uncle Jack.


    W: Who called you just now, Alan?

    M: It’s grandma. She wanted me to teach her how to use the Internet this afternoon.


    W: Sam, Linda and I are planning a picnic this Sunday. Would you like to come, Jack?

    M: OK. What should I bring? How about some homemade cookies by my sister?

    W: That would be nice.


    M: Can you tell me where there is a good place to eat?

    W: Mr. Jackson makes the most delicious hamburgers, and a new place called Sam’s serves really healthy sandwiches.

    M: OK. I’ll try Sam’s. Hope it’s not too expensive.


    M: I want to visit the science museum. How can I buy the ticket?

    W: You don’t need a ticket. Just line up at the entrance.

    6. B

    7. C


    W: Do you like Beijing Opera?

    M: No, I think it’s boring. I can’t understand what the actors are saying.

    W: I agree with you. I think the opera is for old people.

    M: Not really, Some young people also like it. Maybe because their parents or grandparents like it.

    W: My grandparents like it very much, but it doesn’t change anything for me.





    W: Tim, I watched the movie The Sound of Music yesterday.

    M: Alice, I also watched it yesterday. It tells us a moving story.

    W: Yes. And the music in the movie is so sweet. Do you like it?

    M: Yes, I do.

    W: I want see it again.

    M: Me too.





    M: It’s a lovely day, isn’t it?

    W: Yes. Much better than yesterday. And the radio says it’ll be fine tomorrow. Shall we go hiking?

    M: Sounds great! What shall we take with us?

    W: Just some food and drinks. Er ... a camera too.

    M: Shall we go at 7:30?

    W: Let’s make it earlier at 6:30, then we can enjoy the morning sunshine.

    M: All right! That’s it!





    W: I didn’t see you yesterday, Mr. King. Where were you?

    M: I was in hospital.

    W: What’s wrong with you?

    M: A young man rode a bike and hurt my leg on the road.

    W: I’m sorry to hear that. Who took you to the hospital then?

    M: The young man. He stopped a taxi and took me there.

    W: You feel much better, don’t you?

    M: Yes, I can walk now. And I will go to school tomorrow.

    W: Please be more careful from now on.

    M: Thank you. I’ll do that.


    17.team spirit

    18.tall and strong

    19.get angry



    School ended a little earlier yesterday. We all went to the football field, and soon the game started. We played against Portland Middle School. They were all very tall and strong, and we felt a little afraid of them.

    Mr. Brown told us not to worry and asked us to play as well as we could. He wanted us to keep team spirit in mind.

    The other team didn’t play together very well. One of their players called Peter was a tall and strong boy. Early in the first half of the match, he kicked a goal, but we soon got one ourselves. We played together so well that they couldn’t get the ball. They began to get angry. At the end of the first half we won.

    In the second half of the match, Peter kicked another goal, but one player didn’t make a team. When the match ended, they kicked two goals while we kicked four.

    Every one of us really understood what team spirit was.


    考查过去时态。根据“Yes, I have”可知,是以前看过电视剧,用过去时态,故选C。

    22.D【解析】句意:如今,许多冬季奥运会项目受到各个年龄层的人们的喜爱。考查一般现在时的被动语态。分析句子可知主语“winter Olympic sports”和动词之间是被动关系,再由“Today”可知这是一个一般现在时的被动语态。故选D。

    23.B【解析】句意:习主席说:“人民是真正的英雄,因为是他们创造了历史。”考查连词辨析。but但是;for因为;if如果;so因此。根据句意可知,“it’s they who create history”是“The people are true heroes”的原因,空后表示原因,所以用for连接。故选B。

    24.C【解析】句意:——昨天,我花了更多的钱的汽油比上次。这是可怕的。——是的。 这些天汽油的价格上涨得更快。 考查副词的用法和辨析。quicker更快的,形容词比较级;slower更慢的,形容词比较级;more quickly更快地,副词比较级;more slowly更慢地,副词比较级。根据“paid more money”可知,付钱比以前多了,所以油价上涨的更快了;结合语境,此处需用副词修饰动词“increasing”,故选C。

    25.B【解析】句意:在互联网上,你可以比较同一产品的价格,省钱,选择你最喜欢的东西。考查名词辨析。project项目;product产品;subject科目;method方法,根据“the prices of the same”和“save money”可知,应该是比较同一产品的价格,故选B。

    26.B【解析】句意:世界冠军谷爱凌,通过冬季运动鼓励青少年挑战他们自己。考查动词。expresses表达;encourages鼓励;trusts相信;compares比较。根据“teenagers to challenge themselves”可知句子用短语“encourage sb. to do”,表达“鼓励某人做某事”。故选B。

    27.D【解析】句意:妈妈给我买的包渐渐过时了,但它仍然是我心目中最好的东西。考查副词辨析。heavily沉重地;normally正常地;suddenly突然地;gradually逐渐地。根据“...gets out of style”可知,变得过时是一个逐渐的过程,副词修饰动词。故选D。

    28.D【解析】句意:——行程码是用来做什么的?——它用于显示过去 14 天我们去了哪里。考查动词时态辨析。根据“in the last 14 days”可知,这是一段持续的时间,句子用现在完成时have/has done的形式;主语we是第一人称,助动词用have。故选D。



    29.B.句意:太阳出来的时间更长,所以一天中有更多的时间来享受。hour小时;day天;month月;year年。根据“The sun is out for longer”可知,太阳出来的时间更长,所以一天中可以用来享受的时间更多。故选B。

    30.C.句意:有更多的空闲时间并不意味着你需要花很多钱。save节约;waste浪费;spend花费;borrow借。根据下文“There are plenty of ways to enjoy your city or town for little or no money.”可知,有很多方法可以让你花很少的钱甚至不花,所以你不需要花很多钱。故选C。

    31.B.句意:在夏天,许多公园提供免费的音乐会。open开办;offer提供;choose选择;change改变。根据下文“these free concerts in the park”可知,公园提供免费音乐会。故选B。

    32.C.句意:有时这些音乐会以著名的乐队和音乐家为特色。new新的;proud自豪的;famous著名的;handsome英俊的。根据“feature bands and musicians”可知,既然以乐队和音乐家为特色,说明他们很著名。故选C。


    34.B.句意:不管你是否认识正在演奏的乐队,公园里的这些免费音乐会都是欣赏户外音乐的好方法。watch观看;enjoy享受;learn学习;support支持。根据第一段“Summer time in the United States generally means people have a lot more free time to enjoy the outdoors.”和句中“music outdoors”可知,公园里免费音乐会是欣赏户外音乐的好方法。故选B。

    35.B.句意:如果你和你的朋友早点到公园,你甚至可以野餐。late晚;early早;slowly缓慢地;happily开心地。根据下文“It’s always a good idea to arrive early to get a good viewing spot.”和“These outdoor movie screenings are also great for picnics.”可知,户外电影可以增加野餐的乐趣,而去得早可以找到一个好的观影位置,所以此处是“如果去得早,甚至可以野餐”。故选B。

    36.D.句意:许多公园还提供免费的户外电影放映。shows演出;plays戏剧;operas歌剧;movies电影。根据下文中“the movie screen”可知,此处是放映户外电影。故选D。

    37.C.句意:离电影屏幕太近一点都不好玩,你的脖子会疼的。far远的;high高的;close近的;straight直的。根据下文“And sitting too far means you’ll have to squint”可知,离得远你得眯着眼看电影,所以此处是说离得太近一点也不好玩。故选C。

    38.A.句意:离电影屏幕太近一点都不好玩,你的脖子会疼的。hurt疼;break打破;worry担心;drop落下。根据“Being too close”可知,看电影时离得太近,你要仰起脖子,脖子会疼。故选A。

    39.D.句意:如果你是一个戏剧迷,大多数大城市都有他们的莎士比亚公园节目。its它的;our我们的;your你们的;their它们的。根据“most big cities”可知,此处使用their,表示“它们的节目”。故选D。

    40.B.句意:一些公园里的莎士比亚节目非常受欢迎,以至于人们排了几个小时的队来获得免费门票。loud大声的;popular受欢迎的;hopeful有希望的;common普通的。根据“people line up for hours to get free tickets”可知,人们排很长时间队来获得门票,说明这些节目很受欢迎。故选B。

    41.A.句意:如果所有的票在你排到队伍前面之前就被送出去了,那你就不走运了。given away赠送,分发;sold out售完;put down放下;fixed up修理。根据上文“get free tickets”可知,门票是免费赠送的,如果票被送完了,那你很不走运。故选A。

    42.C.句意:除了博物馆在温度上很凉爽之外,它们也很酷,因为你可以看到令人惊叹的艺术作品。With有;From来自;Besides除……之外(还),此外;Without没有。根据“they are also cool”可知除了博物馆气温凉爽之外,它们也很酷。故选C。

    43.D.句意:除了博物馆在温度上很凉爽之外,它们也很酷,因为你可以看到令人惊叹的艺术作品。if如果;unless除非;though尽管;because因为。根据“you can see amazing works of art”可知因为你能看到令人惊叹的艺术作品,所以博物馆很酷。故选D。



    44.Slowly. 句意:组成地球表面的地壳板块互相挤压非常缓慢。根据“ In fact, the surface of the Earth moves all the time.”可知,地震时,地球表面移动明显,事实上,地球表面一直在移动,只是移动缓慢而已,选择slow,此处用副词修饰动词。故填slowly。

    45.Stress. 句意:几千年来,这种运动产生了巨大的压力。空处应填名词作宾语,根据物理和地理常识可知,挤压会产生压力,选择stress,不可数名词。故填stress。

    46.sudden. 句意:在某些地方岩石层不牢固,这最终导致突然的运动——地震。空处需填形容词作定语修饰名词movement,根据“an earthquake”结合备选词可知,sudden符合语境,此处指突然的运动。故填sudden。

    47.But. 句意:每天都有成千上万的地震发生,但是大多数都很小,不会造成破坏。空前空后句子之间是转折关系,用连词but“但是”连接。故填but。

    48.Buildings. 句意:大地震可以将建筑震倒,或可以引起海啸。空处应填名词作宾语,根据“A large earthquake shakes ...to the ground”结合选项可知,选择building,指将建筑物震倒,泛指所有建筑物,用复数形式。故填buildings。

    49.serious.句意:结果通常是非常严重的。空处应填形容词作表语,根据上文“A large earthquake shakes ... to the ground, or causes a tsunami(海啸) wave. ”可知,结果很严重,serious符合语境。故填serious。

    50.to experience. 句意:对南欧人来说,经历大地震是很常见的。“It's adj. for sb. to do sth.’”表示“对某人来说,做某事是怎样的”,空处用动词不定式作真正的主语,根据“people in southern Europe...big earthquakes”结合选项,experience“经历”符合语境,指经历大地震,故填to experience。

    51.Hit. 句意:1755年11月1日,葡萄牙里斯本市发生强烈地震。空处缺少谓语动词,根据“a powerful earthquake ...the city of Lisbon in Portugal.”可知,此处指强烈的地震袭击了葡萄牙里斯本市,选择hit“袭击”,由时间状语November1st, 1755可知,此处用其过去式。故填hit。

    52.Their. 句意:6万至10万人丧生。由“Between 60,000 and 100,000 people ”可知,此处指“失去他们的生命”,形容词性物主代词their作定语。故填their。


    54.Felt. 句意:远至芬兰的人们都感到了震动,海啸到达了西印度群岛的巴巴多斯岛。空处应填谓语动词,根据“the shock”结合语境可知,应是感到了震动,选择feel,因为讲的是过去的事情,应用过去式。故填felt。




    56.C.细节理解题。根据“Pupils are divided into age-groups through discussion or by showing their skiing knowledge or ability.”可知,学生们通过讨论或展示他们的滑雪知识或能力来分组,所以在参加滑雪课程时,滑雪者可以根据自己的喜好选择滑雪团体。故选C。

    57.C.细节理解题。根据“Beginner: Pupils who have not skied before...75 EUR”可知,初学者一天要付75欧元,故选C。



    58.A.推理判断题。根据第三段中侯长亮所说的话 “No matter how many advanced facilities(先进的设施)a school has, it is teachers who guide students. No matter how many wonderful books are given away, it is teachers who guide students to read. If there are no teachers, computers are just decorations and some students even use pages from books as toilet paper.”不难推断出,应选A。

    59.B.细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Though social media, I hope that my story can not only make more people understand and support rural education, but also encourage other rural teachers like me .”可知,应选B。




    61.B.细节理解题。根据“Australia is the only area of the world that has koalas.”可知澳大利亚是世界上唯一有考拉的地区。故选B。

    62.A.词义猜测题。根据“Because koalas hardly drink water, but...”可知考拉几乎不喝水,而but前后句子应是转折关系,所以猜测考拉应是喝水的,只是喝的水与平常的水不同,故猜测应是喝桉树叶的汁液。故选A。

    63.D.细节理解题。根据“A mother koala will carry her baby until it is old enough to be its own.”可知一个考拉妈妈一直带着孩子,直到孩子可以自立的年龄。故选D。

    64.D.细节理解题。根据“A newborn baby koala is born blind and hairless.”可知一个新生的考拉幼崽是盲的,故选D。



    65.D.细节理解题。根据第二段中的“They were asked to get a good night’s sleep for two nights. A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night for two nights in a row.”可知研究者让参加试验的25名大学生先睡了两晚的好觉,一周后,又让他们连着两晚每晚只睡4小时,之后拍素颜照。故选D。

    66.B.篇章结构题。文章第1段提出好的睡眠会让人们有足够的魅力。第2段、第3段、 第4段通过讲述对比试验,证明了文章的观点“足够的睡眠让人有魅力”。第5段通过研究者分析总结得出文章观点“好的睡眠对于我们来说至关重要”。可见文章的结构是总分总结构。故选B。

    67.D.推理判断题。根据第五段第三句“people don’t want to hang around with people who might be ill. ”可知人们不想要可能是生病的人在自己身边,由此推测人们喜欢和健康的,有魅力的,精力充沛的人交朋友。故选D。




    69.C.主旨大意题。根据第二段“It is exporting (出口) COVID-19 vaccines to 28 countries and giving help to 69 countries in need, Xinhua reported”可知,本段主要介绍了在其他国家也在使用中国疫苖。故选C。

    70.D.细节理解题。根据第三段“According to the World Bank, to vaccinate (接种) their citizens, small and medium-sized developing nations could have ended up a year behind larger developing nations and developed countries”可知,一些中小型发展的国家在为本国公民接种疫苖方面已经落后。故选D。

    71.B.细节理解题。根据“the country produced a number of COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗) in December 2020”可知,a项发生在2020年12月;根据“China vaccinated 40 percent of its population by June, 2021”可知,b项发生在2021年6月。根据“The leaders of these countries were taking the lead in receiving vaccine shots in January last year”可知,c项发生去年1月。根据“China joined COVAX in October 2020”可知,d项发生在2020年10月,所以d排在第一位,a排在第二位,c排在第三位。故选B。

    72.B.推理判断题。根据最后一段“China has decided to offer 10 million vaccines to COVAX, Xinhua reported”可知,中国可能为全世界提供疫苗。故选B。



    73.A.根据前文“We may bite r nails(咬指甲). Others might break into others’ words often. Young people always stay up at night.”我们可能咬指甲,其他人可能经常打断别人的话,年轻人总是熬夜。可知这里列举了一些坏习惯。结合选项,A项“所有这些坏习惯都很难改掉。”符合上下文语境,these habits指代上文出现的坏习惯。故选A。

    74.E.根据下文“Those bad habits would produce bad influences(影响) would finally lead to bad results.”可知,这里段首应该是总结性的句子,结合选项,E项“认识到坏习惯会产生影响和结果。”符合上下文语境。故选E。

    75.F.根据段首句“Recognize(辨认) the bad habit you want to break.”辨认出你想改掉的坏习 惯。可知这里表示的内容围绕“认识到自己的坏习惯”,结合选项,F项“了解你的坏习惯将有助于你控制它。”符合上下文语境。故选F。

    76.D.根据“You can write down when, where and why you do the habit.”你可以写下你何时、何地以及为什么养成这个习惯。可知下文涉及关于”写下来坏习惯”。结合选项,D项“写下来能让你更多地了解这个习惯。”符合上下文语境。故选D。

    77.G.根据“Think about a healthy habit that could take the place of your bad habit.”想一个可以取代你坏习惯的健康习惯。可知下文内容应该是关于好习惯。结合选项,G项“选择你想养成的好习惯。”符合上下文语境。故选G。



    78.D.根据“To the school library”可知,询问要去哪里,D选项“你要去哪里”符合语境,故选D。

    79.A.根据“I’m also going there”可知,也打算去那,所以建议一起去,A选项“让我们一起去吧”符合语境,故选A。

    80.F.根据“I want to borrow some books on nature”可知,询问对方打算在那做什么,F选项“你打算去那里做什么”符合语境,故选F。


    82.G.根据“And I’m going to write about the protection of ecological (生态的) balance and then report it to my classmates tomorrow”及“I hope so”可知,希望明天的报告会让学生更了解有关生态保护的东西,G选项“你的同学会知道更多”符合语境,故选G。




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