in the street和on the street的区别:in the street:马路上,是指在这条街的区域范围内;on the street:是在马路边,指在这条街的路面上,另外in the street:用在句尾宾语补足语;on the street:用在句尾,主语补足语。
1、用on the street 的时候, 是把 street 当作地面, 或一个顶点来看,所以一般要说某个场所在某条街上, 是用 on the street;而讲in the street(s) 的时候,是把 street当作户外的某个空间,所以会搭配动词使用,一般在口语中不会有那么严格的区分,它们之间是可以互相替换的。
2、in the street: 马路上,是指在这条街的区域范围内,用在句尾宾语补足语,多表示偶然发生、具有突然性。on the street:是在马路边,指在这条街的路面上,用在句尾,主语补足语,多用于约定好得了情况。
3、 in the street 是英国英语的用法,on the street是美国英语的用法,两者表达的意思和用法都是一样的。例句My car stalled out in the street.我的车子在街上抛锚了。Fred spent a year on the street before he was arrested.弗雷德在被捕前已吸了一年毒。
1、She's walking in the street.
2、The kids were playing in the street.
3、The noise in the street distracted me.
4、God: noise in the street: very peripatetic.
5、gangs of youths brawling in the street
6、A waif is begging on the street.
7、There are two policemen on the street.
8、Dale would dog her on the street.
9、He stalked women on the street.
10、The window opens on the street [to the east].
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