at school在学校,在上学。在上课(指学生在学校求学);in the school在学校,在这所学校(指在学校内任职,比如老师等)。at school也可泛指,而in the school则特指某一所学校。
at school这个短语作“上学”或“在求学”讲,相当于at- tending school的意思,和“在学校里”讲,相当于 on the school premises的意思;
in school这个短语作“在学校”讲,是指场所,相当于 in the school building的意思,和“在上课时间”讲, 相当于 in lesson time的意思。
例如:She went out to do her shopping while the children went at school.在孩子们上学的时候,她出去买东西了。
He could not do his home work, as he found he had left his textbook at school.他发现他把课本丢在学校里,没法做家庭作业了。
Students are not allowed in school before 5∶30 a.m.早晨5点30以前学生不许进入学校里。
We did the first part of exercise in school,and the rest of homework.第一部分练习我们在上课时做,其余部分当家庭作业。
1、He was disciplined at school for talking back to the teacher。
2、Each child had participated in extracurricular activities at school。
3、Her class teacher made a special arrangement to discuss her progress at school once a month。
4、The pupils assembled in the school hall。
5、He was the only boy in the school who was known by his Christian name and not his surname。
6、She is considered the best in the school。
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