1、France 只有名词属性,中文翻译为法国;法郎士(姓氏)。例句:
In France, there has not been a black mayor elected since 1989, when a mayor of Togolese origin was elected in a small village in Brittany.
2、French 有2种属性,一种为形容词,翻译为法国的;法国人的;法语的;一种为名词,翻译为法语,法文,法国人等。例句:
It was tantalized close the dawn, therefore he decided to get up and to look far from his French windows.
1、French fries. French fries. French fries. SOUP!
2、French in Canada is different from French in French.
3、$$$$French Polynesia$Territory of French Polynesia
4、The French are "The sneaky French."
5、Ao you speak French?
6、The Frenchman held his own against the challenger.
7、This telegram, especially from a Frenchman, may be a prank.
8、The mastermind of the expedition was a Frenchman.
9、We'll hold a meeting and set a trap for the Frenchman.
10、The Frenchman was an unknown quantity when he arrived in north London back in 1996.
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