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    The world needs love and many people need our help.Several years ago,my teachers asked me to take part in a program that helps those who are   1  .Each week,I spent an hour in the classroom helping children with schoolwork,art projects,games and other   2  including eating.My mother is a teacher,so I am used to helping children; however,I found that working with children with special needs would   3  my life forever.

    At first,I thought it would be   4  to be with the children who are so different,but gradually I found there's something special about these students.So there was no need to worry about it.Each Thursday I was welcomed by the smiling faces of Thomas,Joey and Missy.Thomas has to sit on the wheelchair.He communicates with simple words   5  yes and no.Joey,a deaf girl,always welcomed me with a big smile.Missy was born with a kind of   6  and it makes her really small for her age.In a normal classroom,it would be common to hear a teacher comfort a child who is tapping his pencil,speaking   7  ,or making unnecessary noises.However,here,shouts,cries,and other noises are   8  .They're signs of excitement and different ways of communicating.

    Working with children with special needs has changed my life.It has made me   9  others' needs.One of my teachers believes that we should be part of something bigger than   10  .I never realized how true this was until I worked with these children.I believe everyone should get out and do something that makes a difference.

    1.A.uneducated   B.homeless   C.disabled

    2.A.courses   B.competitions   C.activities

    3.A.change   B.waste  C.save

    4.A.nervous  B.relaxing   C.lively

    5.A.except   B.like   C.against

    6.A.ability   B.illness   C.habit

    7.A.clearly   B.politely  C.loudly

    8.A.mentioned  B.stopped  C.encouraged

    9.A.refuse  B.notice   C.influence

    10.A.ourselves   B.yourselves  C.themselves


    1.C 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查形容词词义辨析。uneducated没教养的;homeless无家可归的;disabled残疾的。根据后文中的关键词“wheelchair,deaf”可推知此处表达的是“几年前,我的老师让我参加一个帮助残疾孩子们的项目。”故选C。


    2.C 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查名词词义辨析。course课程;competition竞争;activity活动。根据空格后的“eating”以及空格前的“schoolwork,art projects,games”可知此处表达的是“我在教室花了一个小时的时间帮助学生的功课,艺术节目,游戏和其他活动”。故选C。

    3.A 【解析】命题点:词汇复现。考查动词词义辨析。change改变;waste浪费;save拯救。根据句意及句中的关键词“however”可知此处表达的是“我妈妈是一位老师,所以我经常帮助孩子们;然而,我发现和有特殊需求的孩子相处将永远改变我的生活。”并由最后一段第一句“Working with children with special needs has changed my life.”可知选A。


    4.A 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查形容词词义辨析。nervous紧张的;relaxing令人放松的;lively栩栩如生的。根据句意及句中的关键词“but”可知此处表达的是“刚开始的时候,我认为和那些与众不同的孩子们相处将会非常紧张,但是,我逐渐发现这些孩子们也有不同的地方。”“but”表示前后语境发生转折,作者由刚开始的紧张转为接受并发现孩子们的特殊之处。故选A。

    5.B 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查介词词义辨析。except除了……之外;like像……;against紧靠着。空格后的“yes和no”是空格前的“simple words”的例子,介词“like”有此用法。故选B。

    6.B 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查名词词义辨析。ability能力;illness疾病;habit习惯。根据句意“Missy出生的时候患有一种疾病,并且这种病使得她在她的年龄上显得特别小。”后半句中的“makes her really small for her age”可知她患有一种病。故选B。

    7.C 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查副词词义辨析。clearly清晰地,明显地;politely礼貌地;loudly大声地。根据语境可知此处表达的是“在常规课堂上,老师会制止那些敲笔,大声说话的学生”。故选C。

    8.C 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。mention涉及;stop停止;encourage鼓舞。由“However”可知前后两句表示转折关系。此处表达的是“在特殊课堂上,叫喊、哭叫和其他声音都是被鼓励的”。故选C。

    9.B 【解析】命题点:语境逻辑推理。考查动词词义辨析。refuse拒绝;notice注意,关注;influence影响。由前半句“和有特殊需求的孩子们相处已经改变了我的生活”,可知本句表达的是“这使我开始关注其他人的需求”。故选B。

    10.A 【解析】命题点:代词指代。考查反身代词辨析。ourselves我们自己;yourselves你们自己;themselves他(她/它)们自己。由语境可知此处表达的是“我的一个老师坚信,我们应该成为比我们本身更大的一个存在”。空格处与本句中的“we”相呼应。故选A。






    方法点拨:做此类题时,考生要仔细分析每个选项常见的固定搭配及意思和用法,联系上下文语境,选出最适合的一项。此外,考生还需在平常的学习中多积累动词短语、介词短语、形容词短语、固定句型等固定搭配,多记忆、多运用,增强对试题的敏感度。如:leave off(停止), be popular with(受到……欢迎),be interested in(对……感兴趣),in time(及时)等。



    Cloze 1

    Yesterday was Father's Day.Many things happening between my father and me crowded my mind.But one thing made a deep impression on me.

    It was a Sunday morning,and I was in a  1   mood(情绪).Two of my friends had gone to the movies the night before and hadn't invited me.I was in my room   2  ways to make them sorry when my father came in.“Want to go for a ride today,Beck? It's a beautiful day.”

    “No! Leave me alone!” Those were the  3   words I said to him that morning.

    My friends called and  4   me to go to the mall with them a few hours later.I forgot to be   5  with them and then went with them.When I came home,I found a  6   on the table.My mother put it where I would be sure to see it.“Dad has had an   7  .Please meet us at Highland Park Hospital.”

    When I reached the hospital,my mother came out and told me a car hit my father and his injuries were extensive(大面积的).“Your father told the driver to leave   8   alone and just call 911,thank God! If he had moved Daddy,...”

    My mother may have said more,but I didn't hear.I didn't hear anything   9  those terrible words: Leave me alone.My dad said them in order to  10  himself.He didn't want to be hurt more.How much had I hurt him  11  I shouted out those words at him earlier in the day?

    It was several days later that he was  12  able to have a talk.I held his hand gently,afraid of hurting him.

    “Daddy...I am so sorry...”

    “It's okay,sweetheart.I'll be okay.”

    “No,” I said,“I mean about  13  I said to you that day.You know,that morning? ”

    He looked at me and said,“Sweetheart,I remember   14  about that day,not before,during or after the accident.I remember telling you goodnight the night before,though.” He managed a weak smile.

    My English teacher once told me that words have great power.They can hurt or they can heal(治愈).And we all have the power to  15  our words.I am going to do that very carefully from now on.

    ( B )1.A.good    B.terrible    C.peaceful

    ( A )2.A.thinking up  B.giving up  C.looking up

    ( B )3.A.common  B.last  C.careless

    ( C )4.A.led  B.encouraged  C.invited

    ( B )5.A.strict  B.angry  C.pleased

    ( C )6.A.letter  B.diary  C.note

    ( A )7.A.accident  B.illness  C.examination

    ( B )8.A.me  B.him  C.her

    ( A )9.A.except  B.among  C.towards

    ( B )10.A.hide  B.save  C.express

    ( A )11.A.when  B.until  C.before

    ( B )12.A.really  B.finally  C.suddenly

    ( C )13.A.how  B.why  C.what

    ( C )14.A.something  B.everything  C.nothing

    ( B )15.A.keep  B.choose  C.understand

    Cloze 2

    Each of us fails from time to time.If we are wise,having enough experience and knowledge,we regard these failures (失败) as a necessary and   1   part of learning.But often as parents and teachers,we don't   2   this right (权利) to our children.

    Donnie was a third grader in my class.His   3   about failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed.He   4   answered my questions—he was afraid of making mistakes.

    I tried my best to build his self­confidence.But nothing changed   5   midterm,when Mary,a new teacher,came.She was young and pretty,and she was loved by every student   6  Donnie.It was her who made a big difference to Donnie later.

    One morning,they were doing math problems at the blackboard.Donnie had copied the problems clearly and   7  .But he'd missed the fourth problem and began to cry with his head in his arms.

    I didn't know what to do.Suddenly,a smile   8   on Mary's face.From the desk she got a box   9   pencils.“Look,Donnie.” she said gently,kneeling (蹲在) beside him.“I've got something to   10   you.” She removed the pencils,one at a time.And placed them on his desk.

    “See these pencils,Donnie?” she continued.“They   11  Mrs.Landon and me.See how the erasers are worn(磨损)?That's because we make mistakes too.But we erase the mistakes and try again.That's what you   12   learn to do,too.”

    She kissed him and stood up.“Here,” she said,“I'll leave one of these pencils on   13   desk so you'll remember that everybody makes mistakes,even teachers.” Donnie looked up with   14   in his eyes and smile.

    The pencil became Donnie's prize.That,together with Mary's encouragement,gradually made him understand   15   the meaning of making mistakes is—it's all right to make mistakes,as long as you erase them and try again.

    ( C )1.A.similar  B.active  C.important

    ( A )2.A.offer  B.pass  C.send

    ( B )3.A.puzzle  B.worry  C.complaint

    ( C )4.A.always  B.usually  C.seldom

    ( C )5.A.since  B.after  C.until

    ( A )6.A.including  B.except  C.without

    ( B )7.A.simply  B.carefully  C.casually

    ( A )8.A.appeared  B.froze  C.disappeared

    ( C )9.A.made of  B.covered by  C.filled with

    ( B )10.A.tell  B.show  C.ask

    ( C )11.A.come to  B.refer to  C.belong to

    ( C )12.A.might  B.could  C.must

    ( A )13.A.your  B.his  C.her

    ( B )14.A.hate  B.love  C.fear

    ( C )15.A.how  B.why  C.what

    Cloze 3

    When I was a young child,my parents often told me that a positive heart brought a man everything.I didn't understand and wondered why   1   has such a big influence on a person.And now,although I'm just a middle school student,I'd like to   2   my own opinions on this saying.

    Once I read a sentence —“To make this world a   3  place to live in,rather than the whole world,you'd better change your   4  .”It made me lost in thought.There are so many things around us that go   5   our will.We can't force life to follow our wishes.The earth won't   6   turning whether we accept it or not.

    What we can do is just to make ourselves suit the world.I think we should learn to   7   welcome whatever life gives us,the spring sunlight or the winter snowfall,and try to get   8   from it.

    I have tried to catch every pleasant thing in my life,but I   9   catch most of the pleasant moments,such as being hugged by mother when in fear,being   10   by the teacher when in trouble,being helped by a stranger when   11  .I realize that I don't just live alone and that there are others around me I should   12  .They all pay attention to my growing up,and are proud of my achievements   13   it is just a little progress.It is their care and love that   14   remind me I live in a warm and happy world.

    Different people may have different   15   towards life.But there is one rule that should be followed and that is to make the world better.

    ( A )1.A.it  B.he  C.she

    ( C )2.A.hold  B.make  C.show

    ( A )3.A.nice  B.dull  C.rich

    ( B )4.A.job  B.heart  C.taste

    ( C )5.A.above  B.along  C.against

    ( A )6.A.stop  B.keep  C.start

    ( C )7.A.casually  B.politely  C.warmly

    ( C )8.A.friendship  B.success  C.pleasure

    ( B )9.A.won't  B.can't  C.needn't

    ( C )10.A.invited  B.trained  C.cheered

    ( B )11.A.in line     B.in danger

    C.in agreement

    ( A )12.A.think of  B.hear of  C.dream of

    ( C )13.A.as for  B.now that  C.even though

    ( B )14.A.never  B.often  C.sometimes

    ( C )15.A.plans  B.habits  C.attitudes

    Cloze 4

    When I was in primary school,I had a big argument with a boy in my class.I can't   1   what it was about,but I have never forgotten the  2   I learned that day.

    I was sure that I was right and he was wrong.  3  ,he strongly believed that I was wrong and he was right.The teacher decided to teach us a lesson.She   4   a good idea.She brought both of us to the front of the class and placed him on one side of her grey desk and me on  5  .In the middle of the desk was a large,round object.It was  6   for me to see that it was black.She asked the boy what color the object was.“  7  ,” he answered in a loud voice.

    I couldn't  8   that the object was white,considering that it was certainly black! One more argument started between the boy and me,this time   9   the color of the object.

    The teacher told me to go stand where the boy was standing and told him to come stand where I had been.We changed  10  ,and then she asked me what the color of the object was.I  11   answer,“White.” It was then that I knew what was wrong.It was an object with two   12   colored sides,and from his side it was white.  13  from my side it was black.

    My teacher taught me a very important lesson that day: You must   14   in other person's position(位置)and look at the   15   through their eyes in order to truly understand their ideas.

    ( B )1.A.understand  B.remember  C.explain

    ( C )2.A.class  B.subject  C.lesson

    ( C )3.A.Therefore  B.Also  C.However

    ( A )4.A.came up with     B.went on with

    C.got along with

    ( C )5.A.another  B.other  C.the other

    ( B )6.A.hard  B.clear  C.lucky

    ( B )7.A.Black  B.White  C.Grey

    ( C )8.A.realize  B.describe  C.believe

    ( C )9.A.like  B.against  C.about

    ( A )10.A.places  B.objects  C.opinions

    ( C )11.A.could  B.should  C.had to

    ( B )12.A.similarly  B.differently  C.brightly

    ( A )13.A.But  B.Still  C.Only

    ( B )14.A.appear  B.stand  C.hide

    ( A )15.A.situation  B.discussion  C.solution

    Cloze 1

    My husband has been working in Shanghai for four months.Our 7­year­old daughter Holly missed him very much.When I told her we would visit her father,she was so   1  that she told everyone she met.

    We left for Shanghai   2  Holly finished her exam.She couldn't wait to tell her father about her good grades.The train was pretty   3  .Because I did not get the tickets online early,Holly and I were   4  .We could not get seats together.Holly was usually nervous about trips and   5  my reading to her the whole way.But this time it seemed it was not possible at all.

    When the two passengers who shared my row found their seats.I asked   6  they would change places with Holly or me.They both   7  .We felt very disappointed.At the same time,a mother and her two children several rows ahead of us also met the same   8  .The mother could hold her baby,but her 6­year­old son had to sit with   9  .She was worried about her son.But   10  offered to help her.

    At that very moment,I saw a group of teens on the train.Maybe they were from the same group.One of the teens   11  and said to the mother.“Aunt,we can help you.”He then rearranged(重新安排)  12  seats.Then there was space for the family to sit together.The mother was   13  to the teens.

    Holly was still upset.  14  ,there wasn't anything that I could do.We would have to sit where we were.Suddenly,the passenger next to me,turned and asked,“Would you and your daughter like our seats?” We changed   15  and continued our trip.Being together made our trip much better.

    From this experience,I do know that kindness is contagious(传染的),and good deeds cause more good deeds!

    ( A )1.A.excited   B.interested  C.worried

    ( C )2.A.before   B.until  C.after

    ( C )3.A.empty   B.fast  C.full

    ( B )4.A.praised   B.separated  C. treated

    ( A )5.A.depended on    B.put on   C.decided on

    ( B )6.A.that    B.if   C.when

    ( B )7.A.agreed   B.refused  C.replied

    ( A )8.A.problem   B.subject  C.task

    ( C )9.A.relatives   B.classmates  C.strangers

    ( C )10.A.everybody   B.somebody  C.nobody

    ( B )11.A.put up   B.stood up  C.got up

    ( B )12.A.his   B.their  C.her

    ( C )13.A.meaningful   B.helpful  C.thankful

    ( A )14.A.However   B.Besides  C.Also

    ( C )15.A.trains   B.tickets  C.seats

    Cloze 2(2016,山西适应性训练)(导学号:36422352)

    John and Bobby joined a company in the same year.They both worked very hard.After several years,however,the boss promoted(提升) Bobby to the position of manager but John remained a clerk.John was   1   and decided to leave his job.The main reason is that the boss didn't   2   hard­working clerks like him.

    In fact,the boss knew that John worked very hard for these years.He said,“I hope you can do one more thing for our company   3   you leave.Perhaps you will change   4  mind.”

    John agreed.The boss asked him to find out anyone selling watermelons in the   5  .John went and came back   6  .He said he found one man.The boss asked about the price.John   7   his head and went back to the market.

    Then the boss let John wait for a moment.He called Bobby to his office and told him to do the   8   thing.John didn't think Bobby would do better than him.Soon Bobby   9  and said,“There is only one person selling watermelons.The   10   is $1.2 for a kg.and $10 for 10,he has 340 melons   11  .They were bought from the South two days ago,so they are   12  and look nice.”

    John was very shocked and realized the   13  between himself and Bobby.He decided not to leave but to learn from Bobby.

    Chances always   14  in the tiny things.For the same matter,a more successful person sees more and further   15  he can get a chance to achieve his goal.lf a person sees one year ahead,while another sees only tomorrow,the difference between a year and a day is 365 times,how could you win?

    ( B )1.A.excited  B.unhappy  C.calm

    ( C )2.A.treat  B.greet  C.value

    ( A )3.A.before  B.after  C.since

    ( B )4.A.my  B.your  C.his

    ( A )5.A.market  B.company  C.garden

    ( C )6.A.easily  B.carefully  C.quickly

    ( B )7.A.washed  B.shook  C.nodded

    ( A )8.A.same  B.silly  C.crazy

    ( C )9.A.arrived  B.refused  C.returned

    ( B )10.A.part  B.price  C.prize

    ( A )11.A.in total  B.in public  C.in half

    ( C )12.A.ugly  B.dirty  C.fresh

    ( A )13.A.difference       B.friendship


    ( B )14.A.list  B.lie  C.tie

    ( C )15.A.ever since  B.even though  C.so that

    Cloze 3(

    I was ten that year.One cold night after I finished my work,I hurried to the flower shop.When I arrived there,Mr.Rocco was   1   the door.“Please Mr.Rocco,” I asked,“Will you open up? I just want a   2  .Tomorrow is Mother's Day.I hope to make my mom happy.And I want the most beautiful one in your shop.”

    Mr.Rocco stood there   3   for a long time,looking at me and said nothing.It seemed he was making an important   4  .Finally he showed me a plant on the shelf.“I can give you this.” “But it looks like grass! Flowers won't come out!” I felt upset and   5   cried.“Now trust me,my boy.I   6   that tomorrow morning you will find your most beautiful flower.Now put this paper bag over it   7   you can keep it from the cold.” he said to me softly.

    I ran home.Mom was badly sick and she seemed to be   8  .I walked into her room quietly not to wake her up and put the plant on the table   9   the bed.I wanted her to be   10   when she woke up on Mother's Day.

    The next morning when I   11   mom's room,she was staring at the plant.Wow! There was a big purple flower.It was the flower I really wanted! When I walked to mom,  12  smiled with tears in the eyes.She held out her hand,  13   me close and hugged me.

    My mom died the next night,but the plant has been in blossom(盛开) all the time in my heart.I am   14   to Mr.Rocco because his beautiful flower helped me   15   the moment when my mom hugged me because I knew how much she loved me.That's the most wonderful moment of my life.

    ( A )1.A.locking  B.opening  C.repairing

    ( B )2.A.shelf  B.flower  C.card

    ( C )3.A.politely  B.happily  C.silently

    ( A )4.A.decision  B.introduction  C.invitation

    ( B )5.A.seldom  B.almost  C.still

    ( A )6.A.promise  B.suggest  C.expect

    ( C )7.A.as long as  B.even though  C.so that

    ( B )8.A.awake  B.asleep  C.afraid

    ( C )9.A.inside  B.outside  C.beside

    ( A )10.A.surprised  B.safe  C.relaxed

    ( A )11.A.entered  B.left  C.guarded

    ( C )12.A.we  B.I  C.she

    ( B )13.A.pushed  B.pulled  C.carried

    ( C )14.A.helpful  B.meaningful  C.thankful

    ( B )15.A.regret  B.remember  C.discover

    Cloze 4

    How do you get to school every day?

    For most students in cities,it's   1  for them to get to school.They can walk or ride a bike to school.They can get to school by bus or even by subway.It won't   2   them too long to get to school and back home.

    But for some students in faraway villages,things are quite   3   life for them is hard.It's difficult for them to get to school every day.Usually they will spend a few   4  on the way.In one small village,there is a big river   5  the school and the village.The students can't get to school by boat because the river   6  too quickly.They have to go on a ropeway to   7  the big river.Though it's dangerous,they are used to it and are not afraid.In their mind,going out to study is their   8   thing.Because of this,many villagers   9  leave their village.How they are looking forward to having a   10  ! I do hope one day their dream can come true.

    ( B )1.A.good  B.easy  C.dangerous

    ( A )2.A.take  B.cost  C.spend

    ( C )3.A.common  B.important  C.different

    ( B )4.A.minutes  B.hours  C.days

    ( B )5.A.beside  B.between  C.behind

    ( C )6.A.changes  B.turns  C.runs

    ( A )7.A.cross  B.go through  C.walk across

    ( C )8.A.hardest  B.worst  C.happiest

    ( A )9.A.never  B.often  C.sometimes

    ( B )10.A.boat  B.bridge  C.road

    Cloze 5

    When Rebecca was a middle school student, she was often bullied(欺凌). At that time, she didn't want to tell others. However, she now thinks people who are bullied should talk about their   1  .

    Rebecca says that many people who are bullied suffer   2  . She says that although she   3    heard a lot about bullying when she was in primary school, she never thought it would happen to her.

    Rebecca told us that the bullying began when she went to middle school. People started making fun of her   4  being a good student and knowing all the answers.

    She went on to say that every time she answered a question correctly in class, everyone would start shouting and saying that she was too   5    for them.

    She told us that by the end of the year, she was very   6  about the bullying and became ill. She began to hate school. But luckily she had a friend who she could talk to, and they told   7    head teacher about her problem. She believes that talking to the teacher   8  her a lot. They found ways to   9    the problem, and the bullying finally stopped.

    Her   10  is, don't see yourself as the problem. Nobody should be bullied. But if you don't tell anyone what is going on, nobody will know that you need help.

    ( B )1.A.experiences  B.jokes   C.hobbies

    ( C )2.A.in style  B.in time   C.in silence

    ( A )3.A.seldom  B.always  C.never

    ( B )4.A.to  B.with  C.for

    ( A )5.A.clever  B.slow  C.noisy

    ( C )6.A.pleased  B.worried  C.satisfied

    ( C )7.A.my  B.your  C.their

    ( B )8.A.surprised  B.helped  C.excited

    ( A )9.A.talk about  B.look up  C.deal with

    ( B )10.A.problem  B.agreement  C.advice

    Cloze 6

    In the tenth grade,I began volunteering at an animal hospital.I wanted to get experience for my future job.  1  ,that particular(特别的) Saturday morning taught me something more important.

    The   2   was in the middle of a poorer section of the city.One Saturday morning a man and his young   3  ,who was about seven years old,walked in with a small cat in a box.I   4   the cat had an eye problem,but the man could not   5  the cost of the medicine.When he asked where the nearest the animal shelter(庇护所) was,his son   6   and started to argue with his father.Just then,an old lady in the waiting room walked up to them.She said that she would pay for the cost.The man   7   her and the son got to keep a healthy cat.

    I had   8   thought it was the right thing to help out a person in need,but it was only seen on TV or in movies.The woman taught me that these things do   9   in real life,and should happen more often.When I can't decide whether to help someone in need or not,I will remember that woman,and have the   10   to do it.

    ( C )1.A.Anyway  B.Besides   C.However

    ( A )2.A.hospital  B.school   C.store

    ( C )3.A.wife  B.daughter   C.son

    ( B )4.A.promised  B.remembered   C.imagined

    ( B )5.A.take up  B.pay for   C.give away

    ( A )6.A.cried  B.smiled   C.cheered

    ( C )7.A.refused  B.stopped   C.thanked

    ( A )8.A.always  B.hardly   C.never

    ( A )9.A.happen  B.have   C.change

    ( B )10.A.time  B.courage   C.advantage

    Cloze 7

    Dear Mum,

    I have studied abroad for some time. I miss you very much now.

    I   1   learned the famous saying “You don't know what you've got until it's gone.” Yes! Miss Li said her math teacher made a huge difference in her life. But she was   2  because she had no chance to tell her teacher. This made me think a lot, especially   3   I'm thousands of kilometers away. I'm writing to you because I want you to know how   4  I love you.

    It's said that a   5   happiness was mostly because of his childhood. That's quite right. I still remember the times when you   6   my hand as we walked along. You told me stories about the brave elephant and encouraged me to be a   7  girl. ...My childhood was filled with these warm memories.

    How time flies! There have been good times and bad times, but you were always by my side. When I won a prize, you smiled and felt proud   8   me. When I failed an exam, you comforted me. You always gave me courage to   9  all my difficulties.

    You've always said that we should judge(判断) people's   10   by how they live their lives every day. I think I'm now living a happy life. Thank you, Mum.



    ( A )1. A. once  B. never  C. hardly

    ( C )2. A. happy  B. calm  C. sad

    ( B )3. A. why  B. when  C. which

    ( A )4. A. much  B. early  C. little

    ( B )5. A. mother's  B. person's  C. teacher's

    ( C )6. A. beat  B. showed  C. held

    ( B )7. A. funny  B. confident  C. beautiful

    ( A )8. A. of  B. with  C. to

    ( C )9. A. carry out  B. keep on  C. deal with

    ( C )10. A. looks  B. ages  C. success

    Cloze 8

    One day,when your mother gets older and older,will you dislike her more words and her bad health? Here is a mother's letter to her   1  .Let's read it and see what's moving you.

    Dear son,

    When I grow old one day,please be   2   to me and try to understand me.If I get dirty when eating or if I can't   3  myself,help me.Remember the hours I spent teaching you.If I say some things again and again when I speak to you,please   4   me.When you were   5  ,I had to read you the same story again and again   6   you went to sleep.When my tired legs do not let me walk,give me your   7  .I did the same when you started walking.When I come near to you,you should be next to me,try to understand me and help me as I   8   when you were a baby.When I am ill,you should look   9   me well,just like I took good care of you day and night.Please spend more time   10   with me when you are free.I'll pay you by a smile and love.

    I love you,son!

    Your mother,


    ( C )1.A.daughter  B.mother  C.son

    ( B )2.A.happy  B.good  C.serious

    ( A )3.A.dress  B.wear  C.put on

    ( B )4.A.listen  B.listen to  C.hear

    ( C )5.A.old  B.big  C.young

    ( A )6.A.until  B.while  C.after

    ( B )7.A.head  B.hand  C.leg

    ( B )8.A.wanted  B.did  C.was

    ( C )9.A.around  B.out  C.after

    ( A )10.A.being  B.playing  C.singing


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