

    初三网 > 临汾中考 > 临汾中考试题 > 临汾英语试题 > 正文







    A.    听录音,根据所听到句子,选择正确答语。注意每小题听两遍。(5分)

    ()1.A. It's nice of you.

    B. That's right

    C. That's OK.

    () 2.A. Fine. Thank you.

    B. How are you?

    C. The same to you.

    ()3.A. Yes, please.

    B. Not at all.

    C. Do, pi ease.

    ()4.A. I'm sorry to hear that.

    B. Are you sure?

    C. Why wasn't he careful?

    ()5.A. Help yourself.

    B. Me, too.

    C. Good idea.

    B.     听录音,选择与所听内容意义相符的句子, 注意每小题听两遍。(5分)

    ()6. A. She can do it by herself.

    B. She can’t do it by herself.

    C. She can help him do it by herself.

    ()7. A. It is not easy to learn English well.

    B. It is not hard to learn English well.

    C. It is not difficult to learn English well.

    ()8. A. She is too young to go to school.

    B. She is old enough to go to school.

    C. She can go to school when she is five.

    ()9. A. They go to school every day except Saturday and Sunday.

    B. They go to school every day in a week.

    C. They never go to school from Monday to Friday.

    ()10. A. His father worked here twenty years ago.

    B. His father has worked here for more than twenty years.

    C. His father has worked here for twenty years.

    C.    听对话,根据所听内容回答问题。注意每小题听两遍。(5分)

    ()11. A. On Saturday.B.On Sunday. C. On Friday.

    ()12. A. 6562828 B. 5562828 C. 6652828

    ()13. A. In hospital. B. At home. C. In her office.

    ()14. A. A worker.B. A teacher.C . A shopkeeper.

    ()15. A. Warm. B. Cold.C. Hot

    ()16. A. She wants to go to the party tomorrow.

    B. Mary has time to go to the party.

    1. She has been to the party.

    ()17. A. Potatoes. B. Eggs. C. Noodles.

    ()18. A. Doreen B KingC. King's father

    ()19. A. Go to school. B. Go to watch games.

    C. Go to the cinema.

    ()20. A. He is a doll. B. He does nothing.C. She is a student.

    D. 听短文,判断正误,正确填(T),错误填(F)。注意听三边。(10分)

    () 21. Jack liked doing work and studied hard.

    () 22. Jack’s father and mother were both doctors

    () 23. Jack wanted to be a doctor when he grew up.

    () 24. The cleaners only worked a day in a week.

    () 25. Jack is really a very lazy boy.


    1. 根据句子意思,找出一个能替代句中划线部分并与其意思相同或相近的词或词组,并将代号填入左边括号内。(5分)

    ()1. Smoking is bad for your health, you must give it up, then you well be more healthier.

    A. go on doing it B. stop to do it

    C. stop doing itD. keep doing it

    ()2. --Would you come and help me with my English?

    --With pleasure.

    A. Yes, please.B. No,thanks.

    C. I’m not free. D. I’m very glad to.

    ()3. Tom got up very late this morning, he hates being late for school, so he hurried off to school without having breakfast.

    A. walked B. went slowlyC. went quicklyD.drove

    ()4. Henry is weak in Chinese, because he missed so many lessons.

    A. is not good atB. doesn’t like

    C. does well in D. works hard at

    ()5. Sooner or later you’ll feel sorry for your wrong doing.

    A. Soon B. In the futureC. Early or laterD. One day

    1. 根据句子意思,用括号中所给单词的正确形式或时态填空。(10分)

    6. I received a lot of presents on my _____ (twelve) birthday, and I felt I was the happiest girl at that time.

    7. To make our city more and more beautiful, it is necessary

    ( plant ) more trees.

    8. --- Can I help you?

    --- I _______ (look) for a coat, a blue coat.

    9. When the boat was sinking into the sea, the people in the boat were enjoying _______ (they), they didn’t know what was happening.

    10. I think maths is ______ (little) interesting than English.

    11. _____ ( not forget) to take your raincoat with you, it will rain today.

    12. In the accident, many people lost their ______ (life).

    13. My home is not far from school. It is only fifteen ______ (minute) ride.

    14. Do you know if she ________ (come) tomorrow back?

    15. “ I’m sorry to trouble you.” said the boy _____ (polite).

    1. 翻译下列词组。(10分)

    a. 将下列词组译成汉语.

    16. western counties 17. say goodbye to my friend

    18. super market19. the beginning of the 21th century

    20. popular song

    b. 将下列词组译成英语

    21.赶快22. 日复一日

    23.家常做法24. 起跑线



    ( )1.Look!________ beautiful lake it is!

    A.WhatB.HowC.How aD.What a

    ( )2.–Kate, I’ll return your book as soon as I can.


                                A. Don’t worry.                            B. No hurry

                                C. Of course.                                          D. With pleasure.

    ( )3.–Would you like to play basketball with us?


                                A. Yes, I’d love to                            B. No, please.

                                C. It’s OK.                                                        D. All right.

    ( )4.—When shall we meet again?              

    —Make it _______ day you like,it's all the same to me.

    A.oneB.another C.some D.any

    ( )5.–I think maths is more interesting than English.

                  –I really can’t agree _____ you. I find English more interesting.

                                A. on                            B. about                            C. with                            D. to

    ( )6.If it _____ tomorrow, we’ll have a picnic in South Mountain.

                                A. don’t rain                                                        B. isn’t rain

                                C. doesn’t rain                                                        D. won’t rain

    ( )7.—Have you received an e-mail message from Helen?


    —Really?No news is good news.

    A.Yes,I haveB.I don't mind

    C.No,I haven'tD.No problem

    ( )8.—Do you know _________?

    —He's Tom's father.

    A.who is heB.what he is

    C.what's heD.who he is

    ( )9. —You don't look well,what's wrong with you,Wang Ming?

    —Last night I watched the football match and didn't go

    to bed ______ 12 o'clock.

    A.when B.until C.as D.while

    ( )10. —What would you like to have,beer or coffee?

    — .I'd like to have some milk.

    A. Either B.BothC.NeitherD.All

    ( )11. –_____ is your home from school?

                                –It’s about forty minutes on foot.

                                A. How long                                          B. How much             

    C. How far                                                        D. How many

    ( )12.This is _____book.You'd should read it carefully.

    A.such a goodB.so a goodC.such good aD.so good

    ( )13. —Please give me a _______when you arrive in Beijing

    —All right.I'll tell you everything when I get there.

    A.newspaper B.ticket C.callingD.ring

    ( )14. There is _____ milk here,but there are quite ____empty glasses.

    A.little;a few B.few,a few

    C.little;a little D.few,little

    ( )15. Jane's brother didn't work so _______ as the others did in his class.

    1. harderB.hardC.hardestD.hardly

    ( )16.—Hello,could I speak to Miss Fang,please?

    — _______ I'll get her for you.

    A.Hold on,please.B.I'm Miss Fang.

    C.Who are you? D.She is at work.

    ( )17. —Mum,Bill is coming to dinner this evening.

    —OK.Let's give himto eat.

    A.something differentB.different anything

    C.anything different D.different something

    ( )18. —Is Mr Green really very ill?

    —________.He's in hospital.

    A.I don't think so B.No,he isn't

    C.I hope soD.I'm afraid so

    ( )19.He doesn't ________ much time ________ her homework.

    A.spend;in B.spend;on

    C.pay;forD.take; to

    ( )20._______ children there are in a family,_______ their life will be.

    A.The less;the betterB.The fewer;the better

    C.Fewer;richer D.More;poorer

    IV. 阅读理解。(30分)


    One day, Bill's teacher said," Class, put your English books away, take out your maths books, turn to Page 133 , and do the exercises. Whenyou finish them, you may read the book."

    Bill just sat in his chair and did nothing.

    "Why aren't you working, Bill?" said the teacher. "I told you whatyour work is for today?"

    "I know you did, "said Bill. "But I can't remember what you said . Iwas listening , but it went in one ear and out the other!"


    ( )1. This story happened in the street.

    ( )2. The teacher of English asked Bill to do his exercises .

    ( )3. "Go in one ear and out the other" means one forgets at oncewhat someone tells him.

    ( )4. There was something wrong with Bill's ears.

    ( )5. This story tells us Bill didn't work hard at school.


    Skin-diving (潜泳) is a new sport today. This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. It is like a visit to the moon. When you are under the water, it is for you to climb big rock (岩石), because you are no longer heavy.

    Here, under the water, everything is blue and green. During the day, there is a large number of light. When fish swim near by, you can catch them with your hands.

    When you have tanks (罐) air on your back, you can stay in deep water for along time. But you must be careful when you dive in deep water.

    To catch fish is one of the most interesting parts of this sport. Besides, there are more uses for skin-diving. You can clean ships without taking them out of the water. You can get many things from the deep sea.

    Now you see that skin-diving is both useful and interesting.


    ()6. Where can this new sport take you?

    1. It can take on the moon.
    2. It can take you to a new world of land.
    3. It can take you to climb the mountains and big rocks.
    4. It can take you into deep water.

    ()7. In the deep water, what does it look like?

    1. There is always a large number of light.
    2. There is no light at all.
    3. Everything is clear and just like on the land.
    4. Everything looks blue and green.

    ()8. Why can you climb big rocks easily in the water?

    1. We are very heavy.
    2. We are as heavy as on the land.
    3. We are not as heavy as on the land.
    4. We are not heavy at all.

    ()9. What can you do with the tanks of air on your back?

    1. We can catch the fish easily.
    2. We can diving into the water and stay for a very long time.
    3. With the tanks of air on my back, I can climb bid rock.
    4. I have more fun.

    ()10. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

    1. Skin-diving is a new sport.
    2. Skin-diving is Like visiting the moon.
    3. The only use of skin-diving is to have more fun.
    4. Skin-diving is Not only interesting but also useful.


    Many teenagers (青少年) feel that the most important people in their lives are their friends. They believe that their family member, and in particular (尤其是) their parents, don’t know them as well as their friends do. In large family, it is quite often for brothers and sisters to fight (打架) with each other and then they only go to their friends for getting ideas.

    It is very important for teenagers to have one good friend or a circle of friends. Even When they are not with their friends, they usually spend a lot of time talking among themselves on the phone. This communication (交际) is very important in children’s growing up, because can discuss something difficult to their family members.

    Parents often try to choose (选择) their children’s friends for them. Some parents may even stop their children from meeting their good friends. The question of “ choice ” is an interesting one. Have you ever thought of the following questions?

    Who choose your friends?

    Do you choose your friends or your friends choose you?

    Have you got a good friend your parents don’t like?

    Your answers are welcome.


    ()11. Who know them better than their parents for the teenagers?

    A. Their friends.B. Their parents.

    C. Brothers and sisters. D. Family members.

    ()12. How do they communicate when the teenagers stay alone?

    A. Go to their friends.

    B. Talk with their parents.

    C. Have a discussion with their family by phone.

    D. Talk with their friends on the phone.

    ()13. Which of the following sentence is true?

      1. Parents should like everything their children enjoy.
      2. In all family children can choose everything they like.
      3. Parents should try their best to understand their children better
      4. Teenagers can only go to their friends for help.

    ()14. What is the meaning for “ Your answers are welcome. ” ?

    1. You are welcomed to have a discussion with us.
    2. You have got an idea, so you answers are welcome.
    3. Your answers are always right.
    4. You can give us all the right answers.

    ()15. Which is the best title (标题) passage?

    1. Only parents can decide.B. Parents and children.
    2. Teenagers need friends. D. A strange question.

    V. 书面表达。(15分)

    I hope you understand me, my ……!



    2. 短文:生活需要理解。如果失去理解,将失去正常的人际关系,甚至失去学习,生活的动力。你需要父母的,或朋友的,或老师的理解。请以:I hope you understand me, my ……! 为题写一篇短文,不少于70字。

    3. 对话:你需要父母的,或朋友的,或老师的理解。你们之间需要进行心与心的交流,沟通。请以:I hope you understand me, my ……! 为题写一篇对话,双方对话不少于五项。

    4. 意思表达连贯正确,语言流畅,书写规范,卷面整洁。文中不得使用真实姓名或校名,否则以零分计。







    I. 听力


    6----- 10BAACB

    11--- 20BCACB / AABCC

    21- 25F T F F T

    II. 词汇

    1――5 CDCAB

    6.twelfth7. to plant8.am looking9.themselves10.less

    11. Don’t forget12. lives13. minutes’14.will come 15. politely

    16. 西方国家 17. 向朋友道别 18. 超级市场19. 二十一世纪初

    20. 流行歌曲21. hurry up22. day after day23. home cooking

    24. starting line25. football fan

    III. 选择填空

    1――10DBADC /CCDBC 11――20CADAB / AADBB


    1――5F T T F T 6――10DDCBC11-15ADCAC


    1. 听录音,根据所听到句子,选择正确答语

    1.Thank you for your help. (C)

    2.How are you? (A)

    3.Would you mind if I smoke here? (B)

    4.Tom fell and hurt his left leg on his way home yesterday. (A)

    1. How about having a drink? (C)

    B.     听录音,选择与所听内容意义相符的句子, 注意每小题听两遍。(5分)

    1. I don’t think she can she can do it by herself. (B)
    2. It is difficult to learn English well. (A)
    3. Lisa is five years old,she can’t go to school. (A)
    4. They goes to from Monday to Friday, and they can have a good rest

    on Saturday and Sunday. (C)

    1. His father has worked in this factory since twenty years ago. (B)

    C.    听对话,根据所听内容回答问题。注意每小题听两遍。

      1.              M: Today is Friday. Are you going to leave Beijing tomorrow?

    W: No, I'm going to leave Beijing the day after tomorrow.

    Q: When is the woman going to leave Beijing? (B)

    12.M: The telephone number of our home is 5562828. What about yours?

    W: Ours is 6652828

    Q: What's the woman's home telephone number? (c)

    13.W: When Can I go home, doctor?

    M: Well, let me see, you can leave tomorrow, but you can' t go back to work at once.

    Q: Where is the woman now? (A)

    14.W: I' d like to return this blouse. I bought it for my daughter yesterday, but she doesn't like the colour.

    M: What colour does she like? We have blouses in differ­ent colours.

    Q: What does the man do? (C)

    15.M: haveyou heard the weather report?

    W: Yes, it will be below zero tomorrow.

    Q: What kind of weather will it be? (B)

    16.M: Could you go to the party with me tonight?

    W: Sorry, I can' t, but you may ask Mary. She is free this evening.

    Q: What does the woman mean? (A)

    1. W: Do you like eggs or noodles for supper?

    M: Some potatoes instead of them.

    Q: What does the man like to have for supper? (A)

    18.M: Hello, Doreen, I haven't seen you for several years. Where have you been?

    W:I have been in the USA.

    M: How is your son, King, these days? Is he a student now?

    W: Not now. He is a doctor.

    Q: Who is a doctor? (B)

    19.M: I'm late , because my bike was broken on the way here.

    W: It doesn't matter.

    M: When does the film begin?

    W: It has been on for 5 minutes.

    M: I'm very sorry for it.

    W: it's OK. Things like that happen sometimes.

    M: Now, let's get in.

    Q: What are they going to do? (C)

    20.W: Look, Sally. See what I've got for you?

    M: Oh, a nice doll. I wanted it for a long time. Thank you, mama.

    W: You're welcome. I’ve bought the doll's clothes, too.

    M: They are beautiful. Can I take it to school?

    W: Yes, you can.

    M: Thanks a lot.

    Q: What does Sally do? (C)

    D. 听短文,判断正误,正确填(T),错误填(F)。注意听三边。(10分)

    Jack was a ten years old. He was a lazy boy. He didn't like doing any work. He had to go to school, of course, but he didn't study hard there and tried to do little work. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that their son would become a doctor, too, when he grew up.

    But one day Jack said to his mother, "When I finish school,! want to be a cleaner. "

    "A cleaner?" his mother asked. She was very surprised "That's not a good job. Why do you want to become a clean­er?"

    "Because I would only have to work one day a week," Jack answered at once.

    "Only one day a week?" his mother said "What do you mean? And how do you know it?"

    "Well," Jack answered,"! I know that the cleaners come to work on Thursday every week, because I only see them on that day. " And then his mother laughed and said, "The cleaners go to work on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday in other streets. "

    21. F22. T23. F24. F25. T


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