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        根据语境和句意,从下列各题所给的选项A. B. C.D中选择出能填入相应空白处


    21. —Jeff, could you tell me how to take a taxi through “Didi”?


        A. You're welcome.    B.Sure, I'd love to.

        C. Take it easy.       D.It doesn't matter.


    根据"could you tell me how to take a taxi through"Didi"?"可知,此处应该对别人的请求进行回答.A 不客气;B 当然,我愿意;C 别着急;D 没关系.只有B符合语境,故答案为B.


    22. —Which hat would you like, the blue one or the red one?

        —_______. I like the yellow one instead.

        A. Either    B.Both    C.Neither    D.All


    首先明确选项中每个不定代词的意思,A:两个中的任何一个;B:两个都;C:两个都不;D:三者或三者以上都; 结合选项联系语境I like the yellow one instead可以推断设空处句子的句意是"--你喜欢那件蓝色的还是红色的?--两个都不喜欢,我喜欢那件黄色的.",所以不定代词 neither 在本句中符合句意,故选C.


    23. —Did you do well in____English exam last week?

    —Yes,I got____“A”.

    A. an; the    B.the; an    C.a;/    D.the;a



    【解答】正确答案:B.根据题干可知说话人询问对方上周英语考试好吗,第一空特指英语考试,则填定冠词the;对方回答其得了一个A,此处表示泛指,且A的发音是元音音素[ei],则填an,故选择B.do well in表示在某方面做得好.



    24. —Why would you like to walk_____ the forest?

        —Because I want to try____.

          A. across; exciting something    B.through; exciting something

         C. across; something exciting    D.through; something exciting


    结合语境可以推断这句话表达的意思是"--你为什么想穿过森林?--因为我想尝试一些令人感到兴奋的事情.",所以第一个设空处的介词短语表达的意思是"穿过森林(从内部穿过)",应该用walk through,当形容词修饰不定代词时,形容词要后置,故选D


    25. —Mum,____ofthe apples____gone bad.

      —We'd better eat up the rest as soon as possible.

          A. one third; have    B.one thirds; have

          C. one third; has    D.first three; has


    根据语境推测句意是"--妈妈,三分之一的苹果已经坏了.--我们最好尽快吃完剩下的.",由此判断句中要使用分数三分之一,分数表达法是:分子用基数词,分母用序数词,如果分子大于1,分母要加-s,所以三分之一的正确表达为:one third;当分数修饰名词时,谓语动词由名词决定单复数,apples为复数,故选A


    26. —Excuse me, sir, smoking _____ in the gas station.

        —Oh, I'm awfully sorry.

          A. doesn't allow               B. is allowed

          C. aren't allowed              D. isn't allowed


    【解答】答案:D 根据前文是smoking抽烟,动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数,后文是in the gas station在加油站,结合选项,推测意思是加油站不允许抽烟,由于主语smoking是动作的承受者,故用被动语态,结合下文时态I'm awfully sorry,即一般现在时的表示否定的被动语态,结构是am/is/are+not+done,故选D.


    27. —         there anything new in today's Qianzhong Morning Daily?

         -No. But there______some inspiring stories worth reading.

          A. Is; is         B. Are; are        C. Is, are           D. Are; is


    在there be句型中,be动词的单复数应用就近原则(即要看后面的名词来判断),如果这个名词是可数名词的单数或者不可数名词,就用be的单数is;如果这个名词是复数就用be的复数are;根据there anything new in today's Qianzhong Morning Daily.谓语动词靠近anything,是不定代词,所以be动词为单数is,再根据some inspiring stories worth reading,可知谓语动词靠近 stories,是复数形式,所以用are.故选C.

    【点评】在做题时先掌握考点,本题考点是there be 句型的系动词be的变化形式(应借助于后面的主语来判断即就近原则),根据其用法做出正确的选择.

    28. —If you try hard, your dream will_______.


         A. come true; will             B. be truly; will

         C. come true; do              D. be true; do


    【解答】答案:A.考查时态辨析.句意:--如果你努力,你的梦想将实现.--是的,我会的.根据题干-If you try hard,your dream will_______.Yes,l____.可知从句是一般现在时,主句用一般将来时,所以 will 后面接动词原形come true,意为"实现";所以回答用will.即如果你努力,你的梦想将实现.--是的,我会的.故选A.


    29. There are more than one hundred teachers in our school, and most of them are____.

         A. men's teachers                 B. man teachers

         C. men teacher                   D. men teachers


    【解答】正确答案:D.根据文中可知我们学校有一千多老师,大多数是男老师,则划线处应用名词复数形式,即men teachers.

    【点评】本题考查名词复数,基础题也是易错题,如不认真审题误选B项,特别注意"男老师"的复数是men teachers,而不是man teachers.

    30. —Why are you so happy, Mr. Wu?

        —Because the movie yesterda学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y evening was so _       and it made me            .

         A. moving; moving               B. moving; moved

          C. moved; moving                D. moved; moved




    31. Don't make any noise, because the baby _______ in the next room.

          A. is sleeping             B. sleeps

         C. will sleep                D. was sleeping


    【解答】答案:A.考查时态辨析.句意:不要吵闹.因为这个婴儿正在隔壁屋子睡觉.根据题干Don't make any noise,because the baby _______ in the next room.结构为is或are+v-ing.D选项是过去进行时.结合选项,即不要吵闹.因为这个婴儿正在隔壁屋子睡觉.可知句子应是现在进行时.主语是the baby.故选A.


    32.  Sara is the girl _           _ has taught me how to use Wechat(徼信).

          A. whom       B. which      C. what            D. who


    首先根据语境推测句意是"Sara就是那个教会我如何使用微信的女孩.",分析句子结构,本句中的"has taught me how to use Wechat"在复合句中作定语从句,由于先行词girl 为下文定语从句的逻辑主语,且指人,所以引导定语从句的关系代词用that/who,故选D.


    33. —We have built a high-speed train station in Anshun now.

       —Wow,        ! It'll be more convenient for us.

         A. what an excited news           B. how excited the news is

         C. what exciting news             D. how exciting news


    根据Wow, !It'll be more convenient for us.可知这里考查了感叹句,本句的中心词是news,它是一个不可数名词,exciting是一个形容词,在这里修饰news,根据What+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!故选C.


    34. —We can use VQR code(二维码) to find information on the cell phone now.

        —Really? Can you show me           it'?

          A. how I can use                 B. how can I use

          C. why can I use                 D. what I can use


    根据Can you show me ,可知本句考查了宾语从句的用法.在宾语从句中所使用的语序应该是陈述句语序,选项BC是疑问句语序,排除掉.再根据Can you show me it,可知这里有it,所以宾语从句的引导词不能再有what.故选A.


    35. -Must I stay here with you, Mum?

          -No, you _    .You may go home now, but you _ go to the net-bar.

         A. mustn't; needn't            B. needn't; mustn't

         C. must; need                 D. need; must


    结合选项可知本题考查情态动词,第一个设空处根据答语中的No.可知为否定回答,意思是"不,没必要",以must开头的一般疑问句,肯定回答还用must,而否定回答一般借助于needn't或don't have to,表示"没必要",第二个设空处表示禁止用mustn't,故选B.




        A                                       B

    36. I'm sorry I can't follow you.               A.He is a driver.

    37. What does her husband do?                B.OK. I'll do it right now.

    38. How long does it take you to get to school?    C.Really? Can you play chess?

    39. Could you please clean your room?           D.Then I'll say it again.

    40. I'd like to join the chess club.                E.About half an hour.

    【分析】36 对不起,我听不懂你说的话,我再说一遍.
    37 她丈夫是干什么的?他是司机.
    38 你去学校要多长时间?大约半个小时.
    39 请打扫一下房间好吗?好的,我马上就做.
    40 我想加入象棋俱乐部.真的吗?你会下棋吗?

    【解答】36 D 情景问答:根据I'm sorry I can't follow you 对不起,我听不懂你说的话,意思是希望说话人说慢点或再说一次,结合选项,故选D,我再说一遍
    37 A 情景问答:根据What does her husband do?她丈夫是干什么的?这是询问职业的,结合选项,故选A,他是司机
    38 E 情景问答:根据How long does it take you to get to school?你去学校要多长时间?这是询问时间的,结合选项,故选E,大约半个小时
    39 B 情景问答:根据Could you please clean your room?请打扫一下房间好吗?请求对方打扫房间,结合选项,故选B,好的,我马上就做
    40 C 情景问答:根据I'd like to join the chess club我想加入象棋俱乐部.谈论的话题是象棋俱乐部,结合选项,故选C,真的吗?你会下棋吗?



    Mary:  Mom,l'm hungry.   41   

    Mom:  Do you want to eat some eggs?

    Mary:  No.  42  

    Mom:  What about some hamburgers?

    Mary:  I like them very much.   43   I like it.

    Mom: OK.

    Mary: Thankyou.    4学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!4   

    Mom:  What about some orange juice?

    Mary:  OK. Thank you.

    Mom:      45       

    A. And I want to have some chicken.

    B. I don't like eggs at all.

    C. Could I have something to drink?

    D. I want something to eat.

    E. You're welcome.


    【解答】41 D 情景问答:根据前文l'm hungry,即想吃点东西,结合选项,故选D,我要吃点东西
    42 B 情景问答:根据上文Do you want to eat some eggs?Mary:No,即不喜欢吃鸡蛋,结合选项,故选B,一点都不喜欢吃鸡蛋
    43 A 情景问答:根据后文I like it,即是想吃的东西,结合选项,故选A,我想要一些鸡肉
    44 C 情景问答:根据下文What about some orange juice?即想喝点东西,结合选项,故选C,我可以喝点什么吗?
    45 E 情景问答:根据上文OK.Thank you,下文即回答不客气,故选E,不客气.





         My mother used to ask me, "What is the most important part of the body?" When I was

    young, I thought   46   . was very important to us, so I said, "My ears, Morumy." She said,

    "No. Many people are deaf but still live a   47   life. Keep thinking and I will ask you


         Several years    48    before she asked me again. This time I told her, "Mommy, sight is very important to everybody, so it 49   . be our eyes.” She looked    50   me and told me,

    "You are learning fast, but the answer is not correct. Many people are blind,    51    .  they still

    live happily." Over the years, she asked me many times and always     52     answer was, "No.

    But you are getting     53      every year, my child."

         Then last year, my grandpa     54   . Everybody was crying. When it was our     55     to say our final goodbye to him, my mother asked me, "Do you know the most important body

    part yet,  my dear?" I was   56     when she asked me this. I always thought this was a game

       57    her and me. I saw her eyes with tears. She said, "My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder." I asked, "Is it because it holds up my    58   ?" She replied, "No. It is

    because it can hold the head of a friend or a relative when he or she  59    . Everybody needs a

    shoulder to cry on soruetime in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends,

    so you will    60    have a shoulder to cry on when you need it." That was when I realized

    what the most important body part is.

      46.A. report          B. sound            C. noise                     D. music

    47.A. happy        B. hard           C. unhappy             D. sad

    48.A. came             B.left              C. passed           D. walked[来源:学。科。网Z。X。X。K]

    49.A.can          B.may         C.must         D.would

    50.A. up                B. at             C. for                D. around

    51.A. but                B. or             C. and               D. also

    52.A.mine          B.my          C.its          D.her

    53. A. old              B. older            C. clever             D. cleverer

    54.A.cried          B.lost          C.died         D.dying

    55.A. turn           B. way                C. duty             D. task

    56. A. surprising        B. surprised        C. exciting              D. excited

    57.A.between         B. among             C. above             D. from

    58. A. hand            B. head             C. foot                     D. arm

    59.A. laughs            B. smiles             C. shouts                D. cries

    60.A. never           B. hardly               C. always             D. sometimes


    【解答】46B.考查名词,A.report 报道B.sound声音 C.noise噪音 D.music音乐,根据后文"so I said,"My ears因此我说是耳朵",可知耳朵是听"声音"的,前文作者认为是"声音"对人很重要.
    47A.考查形容词,A.happy幸福的 B.hard努力的 C.unhappy 不开心的D.sad难过的,根据Many people are deaf but 很多人是聋的,但是…,由此可知but是转折意义,前文的"聋"跟"幸福"是事情相对立的两面,符合转折的用法,故选A.
    48C.考查动词,A.came来 B.left离开 C.passed经过 D.walked走,根据题意"几年过去了",时间的流逝可用"pass"表达,故选C.
    49C.考查情态动词,A.can可以 B.may或许 C.must 一定D.would将要,根据题意"视力对我们很重要,因此它一定是眼睛",可知此处表猜测,结合四个选项,肯定句情态动词表猜测时,May意思是或许,must意思是一定,结合语境,几年后我对自己的猜测表示很有把握,故选C.
    50B.考查介词,A.up 向上B.at在…C.for为了…D.around大约,根据题意"妈妈看着我说…",look at看着…,是固定用法,故选B.
    51A.考查连词,A.but 但是B.or或者 C.and和 D.also也,根据第一段Many people are deaf but still live a(47)A life很多人是聋的,但他们过着幸福的生活,可知和题干的句型结构是一样的,也表示转折关系,故选A.
    52D.考查代词,A.mine我的(名词性) B.my我的(形容词性) C.its它的 D.her她的,根据前文she asked me…她问我…,可知是妈妈在问我问题,然后再对我的回答评断对错,因此后文的No,是妈妈的回答,故选D.
    53D.考查形容词,A.old 老的B.older更老的 C.clever聪明的D.cleverer更聪明的,根据But you are getting但是你在变得…,可知我的回答都是错误的,but转折后的意思是妈妈认为我在进步,每年都在变得"更聪明",比以前聪明要用比较级,故选D.
    54C.考查动词,A.cried 哭B.lost失去 C.died死 D.dying垂死的,根据后文Everybody was crying大家都在哭,可知是奶奶"去世了",应用动词die的过去式.故选C.
    55A.考查名词,A.turn转变 B.way方法 C.duty职责 D.task任务,根据语境,葬礼上"轮到"我跟爷爷辞别,可知考查句型it's ones turn to do sth轮到某人做某事,故选A.
    56B.考查形容词,A.surprising惊讶的 B.surprised惊讶的 C.exciting激动地 D.excited激动的,根据后文I always thought this was a game我一直认为这只是一个游戏,可知当我听到妈妈在爷爷葬礼上问我这个问题时,是感到"惊讶的",修饰人用surprised,故选B.
    57A.考查介词,A.between..和..之间B.among在…之中 C.above在上面 D.from从…,根据her and me,可知是在她和我之间,两者之间用between,故选A.
    58B.考查名词,A.hand 手B.head头 C.foot脚 D.arm胳膊,根据后文妈妈说it can hold the head of a friend or a relative when he or she(59)它可以支撑朋友或亲戚的"头"当他或者她哭泣的时候,可知妈妈想表达的意思是当自己的亲戚或朋友哭泣的时候,可以让他们把"头"靠在自己的肩膀上哭泣,妈妈之所以否定我的答案,是题干中我说肩膀支撑的是自己的"头",故选B.
    59D.考查动词,A.laughs大笑 B.smiles微笑 C.shouts大喊 D.cries哭,根据后文Everybody needs ashoulder to cry on soruetime in life生活中每个人都需要一个肩膀依靠着哭泣,可知此处说的是当人"哭"的时候需要一个肩膀.故选D.
    60C.考查副词,A.never从不 B.hardly几乎不 C.always 总是D.sometimes有时,根据I only hope that you have enough love and friends,我只希望你有足够的爱和朋友,结合语境"人总是需要一个肩膀哭泣的",故选C.



        阅读下而A、B、C三篇短文,从61  75小题所给的选项中选山最佳答案,并将答



    Part-time Cleaning Help

           Are you looking for a vacation job? Can you clean the house and cook? Then, I need

    you. The work is boring, but the pa学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y is good. I need you from 2:00 pm t0 5:00 pm,

    Monday to Saturday. Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs. Johnson at 544-9968.

    A Fitness Camp For学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯! Overweight Kids

        Are you too fat? Can you run as fast as your classmates? Have you failed your PE

    examination? Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again. Come and join

    us! Please call Nathan at 475-2300.

    Next Wave Music Store

           After 10 years of teaching the piano, David Smith has made his first CD! Come and

    meet him this weekend. Special presents for the first 50 people.

          Time: Sat. 7:00 pm

          Call Marsha at 873-205学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!9.

    61. The cleaner will work                   hours one week.

        A. 12        B. 15        C.16            D. 18

    62. In the fitness camp, you can          .

        A. clean the house    B. lose weight      C. meet David Smith     D. make a CD

    63.             needs a cleaner.

       A. Nathan       B. Marsha         C. Mrs. Johnson       D. Marsha and Nathan

    64. You can call              , if you want to lose weight.

         A. 475-2300       B. 544-9968         C. 873-2059       D. 474-2300

    65. If you're the tenth to come to               , you can get a special present.

         A. the cleaning center               B. the fitness cam学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!p

         C. Next Wave Music Store            D. Next Fashion Store


    【解答】答案:61.D细节理解题.根据第一个表格I need you from 2:00 pm-5:00 pm,Monday to Saturday.我需要你从下午两点到五点,星期一到星期六.可知一天3小时,那么6天就是3×6=18小时,故选D.
    62.B细节理解题.根据第二个表格Our fitness camp can help you lose weight and get fit again我们的健身营地可以帮助你减肥,恢复健康可知去健身中心可以减肥,故选B.
    63.C细节理解题.根据第一个表格Please come to the cleaning center or call Mrs.Johnson at 544-9968.请到清洁中心来或者给约翰逊先生打电话,电话号是544-9968.可知Mrs.Johnson 需要清洁员,故选C.
    64.A细节理解题.根据第二个表格Please call Nathan at 475-2300请给Nathan 打电话,电话号是475-2300.可知要去健身中心可以拨打这个电话,故选A.
    65.C细节理解题.根据第二个表格Special presents for the first 50 people.特殊的礼物给前50人.可知前50名有礼物,你如果是第10个,是可以的得到礼物的,故选C.



    学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!    On February 9th, 2013, Sarah Darling was walking along the street when she met a homeless man named Billy Ray Harris. She reached into her change purse, emptied out all the coins she had and gave them to the homeless man. Neither of them realized that this small generous act(举动) would change their lives.


        Sarah didn't realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the next morning. She and her husband, Bill Krejci, rushed to see if they could find Billy. The homeless man was not only in the same place, but also immediately returned the ring. The grateful couple paid him back for his honesty by emptying out their pockets of all the money thev had.

         Bill Krejci, a web designer, felt that he needed to do something more for this amazingly

    honest man. So on February 18th, he set up a special page(网页) to raise money for him. In just

    four days, Billy received over $85,000 and there seems to be no end yet.

         That is not enough. Billy is living with a person who is generous instead of living in the streets. And that's not all-Thanks to the news report, he got together again with his older brother, Edwin Harris who he had been unable to find for 27 years.

         All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing-returning something that did

    not belong to him.

    66. When did Sarah realize that she had also given Billy her diamond ring?

         A. On February 9th, 2013.           B. On February lOth, 2013.

         C. On February 18th, 2013.      D. On February 22nd 2013.

    67. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage?

          A. Billy is living with a generous person.      B. Billy has found his brother.

          C. Billy bought a diamond ring.             D. Billy appeared in the news report.

    68. The underlined word "That" in Paragraph 4 refers to(指代)"     ".

         A. returning the ring                 B. setting up a page

          C. living in the streets               D. receiving money

    69. What's the main idea ofthis passagerl

          A. A generous woman changed her own life.      B. A kind man set up special page.

         C. A homeless man returned diamond ring.        D. Many people donated much money.

    70. From this story, we know that ________.

         A. helping others is helping ourselves

         B. helping those in trouble is sometimes not necessary

         C. life is not that easy

         D. we should always help old people


    【解答】66.答案:B.细节理解题.根据第一段On February 9th,2013,Sarah …didn't realize that she had given Billy not only all her change but also her diamond ring that she had put in her change purse earlier until the next morning.2013年2月9日,莎拉…没有意识到她不仅给了比利所有的零钱,而且还给了她一个钻石戒指,一直到第二天早上她才知道之前把它放在钱包里.,可知应该是2月10日,选B.
    67.答案:C.推理判断题.根据短文中Billy is living with a person who is generous可知A选项在文章中提到了;根据Thanks to the news report,he got together again with his older brother可知B选项提到了;根据Thanks to the news report可知,D选项也提到了.C选项这句话不符合文意,这个钻石戒指是Sarah的,并不是Billy买的.故选C.
    68.答案:D.词义猜测题.根据文意可知,这里的that 代指的应该是前文中所提到的事情,故浏览上一段的内容可知,这里应该指的是当Billy归还了戒指之后,在Bob的努力下,人们为他捐了很多钱.故选D.
    69.答案:C.主旨大意题.这篇短文讲述的是一个诚实的流浪汉归还了Sarah无意间给他的一枚戒指,而他的这份善良也给他自己带来了回报.他不仅从人们那里得到了很多捐款,而且找到了他失散多年的哥哥.故这篇短文的标题应该是Homeless Man Returned Diamond Ring.无家可归的人返回钻石戒指.选C.
    70.答案:A.细节理解题.根据最后一句All the good luck is just because Billy did the right thing-returning something that did not belong to him.所有的好运都是因为比利做了正确的事,把不属于他的东西还给了别人.可知,比利归还了戒指,并因此受到一笔很大的捐款,还找到了自己失散多年的兄弟,因此帮助别人就是帮助自己,选A.



         Many of us don't pay much attention to the uuportance of eye care. It is said that if you

    take care of your body, then you can surely be healthy. That is why our eyes should be given a

    lot of care. Natural eye care should be put in a number one place.

         There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food, genes(基因)and

    aging(老化). Televisions, coruputers and reading are also the causes ofhaving poor eyesight. If

    you work in front of the computer, it is best to take a break every once in a while.  Something dirty

    can cause redness and they will make you feel uncomfortable. It is bad for your eyes, too. Ifthis

    happens, the best way is to clean your eyes by using cold water. You must also try your best to

    protect your eyes from harmful things. For example, sunglasses are not just for fashion but they[来源:学科网]

    can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight from ultraviolet rays.

         Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight. Remember that vitamins A, C and E are good for eyes. Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins. And you should do eye exercises

    because exercise protects your eyesight, too. If a person exercises regularly(定期地) and eats the

    right kind of food, his eyes will stay in good condition for a long time.

         All above are natural ways of eye care that help us keep healthy eyes. Being happy all the

    time can be helpful to a person's eyesight, too. In a word, eye care is very important, no matter

    how old a person is.

    71.             is the most important way to protect our eyes.

          A. Natural eye care                                B. Taking medicine

          C. Seeing the doctor                              D. Being happy all the time

    72. All the following causes can lead to bad eyesight except ___________.

         A. age       B. height              C. reading          D. computers

    73. What should you do if you have to work in front of the computer?

         A. Eat healthy foods.            B. Clean the eyes by using cold water.

          C. Wear a pair of sunglasses.     D. Have a rest after working for a while.

    74. What do the underlined words "ultraviolet rays" mean?

       A.沙尘      B.闪电             C.紫外线           D.超声波

    75. Which is the best title ofthe passage?

         A. Ways of Eye Care             B. Ways of Eye Exercises

         C. Ways ofBeing Happy           D. Ways ofBeing Healthy


    【解答】答案:71.A 细节理解题.根据第二行句子"natural eye care should be put in a number one place"自然的眼睛护理应该放在第一位.可知,natural eye care是最重要的保护眼睛的方式.故选A.
    72.B 细节理解题.根据第二段第一行句子There are several causes leading to poor eyesight like not enough food,genes(基因)and aging(老化).Televisions,coruputers and reading are also the causes ofhaving poor eyesight.有几个原因导致视力不好,如没有足够的食物,基因和老化.
    73.D 细节理解题.根据第二段第二行句子If you work in front of the computer,it is best to take a break every once in a while.如果你在电脑前工作,最好每隔一段时间休息一下.可知如果你必须在电脑前工作,最好每隔一段时间休息一下.故选D.
    74.C 词义理解题.根据第二段第四行句子For example,sunglasses are not just for fashion but they can also serve as a great way to protect your eyesight.例如,太阳镜不仅是时尚的,还可以作为一种保护视力的好方法.ray是射线的意思.通过阅读我们可知,太阳镜可以阻挡是"紫外线".所以"ultraviolet rays"应该是紫外线 的意思.故选C.
    75.A 主旨理解题.根据第二行句子"natural eye care should be put in a number one place"自然的眼睛护理应该放在第一位.第三段第一行句子Eating healthy foods will do good to your eyesight.Remember that vitamins A,C and E are good for eyes.Try to eat food groups that have these vitamins.And you should do eye exercises because exercise protects your eyesight,too.健康饮食有利于你的视力.记住,维生素A,C和E对眼睛有好处.尽量吃这些维生素的食物.你应该做眼保健操,因为运动保护你的视力.通过阅读全文可知本文主要讲述保护眼睛的方法.故选A.






    76. They are celebrating their daughter's_______(twenty-one) birthday in the Garden Hotel.


    根据They are celebrating their daughter's--(twenty-one) birthday in the Garden Hotel.可知他们在花园酒店庆祝女儿第二十一岁生日.这里表示第几个生日应该用序数词.twenty-one的序数词是twenty-first.故填twenty-first.


    77. Things went from bad to worse. The longer people waited for help, the ______(danger)

      the situation became.


    【解答】答案:more dangerous.
    根据Things went from bad to worse.The longer people waited for help,the--(danger)the situation became,可知情况越来越糟,人们等待救援的时间越长,情况就越危险.这里the+比较级,the+比较级表示越怎么样就越怎么样,danger的形容词是dangerous,比较级是more dangerous.故填more dangerous.


    78. Miss Smith put her new dress on, and looked at_______(she)in the mirror.


    【解答】答案:herself 分析句子,前文是史米斯小姐穿上新衣服,结合所给单词,推测意思是在镜子里看着自己,故用she的反身代词herself,看着自己的英语表达是look at herself,从而得出答案.


    79. He left without______(say)a word.


    【解答】答案:saying 分析句子得知,空格前是介词without,后加名词或动名词,结合所给单词,这里表达没说一句话的意思,故用saying.


    80. The teacher asked her students______(not forget) to sweep the floor.


    【解答】答案:not to forget.
    根据The teacher asked her students--(not forget) to sweep the floor,可知老师让学生们不要忘记扫地.句子考查ask sb to do sth表示要求某人做某事,它的否定形式是ask sb not to do sth,在to的前面直接加not.故填not to forget.




    on time        pocket mone学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!y        take a walk        right now        be interested in

    81. Helen _______ painting when she was young and she could paint very well.

    82. Kate decided to leave for Beijing _________.

    83. The children have got some_________ from their parents.

    84. Hurry up, or we can't get to the station________.

    85. His grandpa is used to________after dinner every day on Ruofei Square.

    【分析】81 海伦年轻时对绘画很感兴趣,她画画得很好.

    【解答】81 was interested in 选词:根据后文painting when she was young and she could paint very well,结合所给词,推测意思是对绘画很感兴趣,故考查固定短语 be interested in,因时间为过去,且主语是Helen,故用was interested in
    82 right now 选词:根据前文Kate decided to leave for Beijing,分析句子后,这里不缺少句子成分,结合所给词,故用副词 right now立刻,马上,来修饰动词离开.
    83 pocket money 选词:根据前文The children have got some,这里缺少一个名词来充当get的宾语,结合所给词,故用 pocket money,这是一个不可数名词.
    84 on time 选词:根据前文Hurry up,or we can't get to the station,推测意思是快点,否则我们就不能准时到达车站了,故用副词 on time修饰动词到达.
    85 taking a walk 选词:根据后文after dinner every day on Ruofei Square,结合所给词,推测意思是他的爷爷每天晚饭后习惯于去若飞广场散步,这里be used to doing sth.表示习惯于做某事,故用 taking a walk




    use   find   them   idea   an   have   on   when   real    but

         I am fully convinced that you must have heard about Chinese paper-cutting, haven't you?

    Paper-cutting is   86  important art form in China. Paper-cuts were used for many purposes, and everything can become the theme学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!(主题)of paper-cuts, from people to the things that can be    87   in everyday life such as birds, flowers and animals.

          Each paper-cut brings out the personal    88    of the writer. People express traditional

    culture or    89    own feelings with different styles of paper-cuts. For example,     90       someone marries, we put up some red paper-cuts    91     the wall, dressing tableor other furniture to express our best wishes.

         It is easy to learn paper-cutting    92   very difficult to make it perfect. We need a

    long-time practice to learn how    93    the scissors(势 )J) and how to paint. Moreover, we     94     need to learn some cutting skills.

         From history until now, in many parts of China, pape学科网(www.zxxk.com)--教育资源门户,提供试卷、教案、课件、论文、素材及各类教学资源下载,还有大量而丰富的教学相关资讯!r-cutting skill   95   become

    necessary for women and a symbol of a clever mind.


    【解答】86 an 考查冠词:根据上文I am fully convinced that you must have heard about Chinese paper-cutting我完全相信你一定听说过中国剪纸,又根据important art form in China,结合所给词,推测本题意思是剪纸是中国一项重要的艺术形式,important且以元音音素开头,故用an
    87 used 考查动词被动语态:根据前文everything can become the theme(主题)of paper-cuts,from people to the things一切都可以成为剪纸的主题,从人到事.这是句子的主干,后文that can be(87)in everyday life such as birds,flowers and animals是一个定语从句修饰先行词things,即 birds,flowers and animals被用于剪纸艺术,是被动关系,结合所给词,故用used
    88 ideas 考查名词:根据前文the personal私人的,是个形容词,常作定语修饰名词,又根据后文own feelings 自己的情感,结合所给词,故用复数ideas,即表达剪纸作者个人的观点
    89 their 考查物主代词:根据前文people人们,后文own feelings,推测这里缺少一个形容词修饰feelings,结合所给词,故用them的形容词性的物主代词their,与people对应
    90 when 考查连词:根据后文someone marries,we put up some red paper-cuts,某人结婚,我们张贴一些红色的剪纸,结合所给词,推测意思是当某人结婚时,我们张贴一些红色的剪纸,故用when
    91 on 考查介词:根据前文someone marries,we put up some red paper-cuts某人结婚,我们张贴一些红色的剪纸,后文the wall,推测本题意思是当某人结婚时,我们张贴一些红色的剪纸在墙上,即在墙的表面,故用介词on
    92 but 考查连词:根据前文It is easy to learn paper-cutting,后文very difficult to make it perfect,两者之间是对比转折关系,故用but
    93 to use 考查动词不定式:根据前文We need a long-time practice to learn how我们需要长期的实践来学习如何,后文how to paint,and表示并列关系,结合所给词,故用to use,即如何使用剪刀.
    94 really 考查副词:分析句子we(94)need to learn some cutting skills,本题不缺少任何成分,结合所给词,可以用副词really来修饰动词need,即真的需要学习剪纸的技巧.
    95 has 考查动词:根据前文From history until now从历史到现在,通常用于现在完成时态,及后文become necessary,由于主语是单数paper-cutting skill,结合所给词,故用have的三单has构成has become现在完成时态


    VII任务型阅读  (本大题共 10分,每小题 2分 )

          The Duanwu Festival in China, also called Dragon-Boat Festival, is celebrated on day 5 of the fifth month every year according to the Chinese lunar calendar. For thousands of years, this

    festival has been marked by people's eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats. (A) To hold the dragon-boat races is in memory of Qu Yuan. He was one of the greatest poets in ancient China.

          Qu Yuan was born in Zigui of Hubei Province over 2,200 years ago. Qu Yuan was an honest minister(大臣)of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period  (475-221 BC). He was upright, patriotic(爱国的)and wise.  (B) 屈原想给自己的祖国带来和平并让它变得更强大。But the country was in the hands of bad officials, he could do nothing to change it andfailed. (C) He was very discouraged. At last, Qu Yuan ended his life by throwing himself into the Miluo River. It is said that people tried to save him by jumping into the river. But it was too late and all their efforts were in vain. Also, they were so sad and they threw rice into the water to feed Qu Yuan's spirit.

        Now we read his poem Li Sao which was filled with deep love for his country. We can see[来源:Z#xx#k.Com]

    the dragon-boat races and have a kind of Chinese food named Zongzi to eat during the Dragon-boat Festival.



    98. How has the Duanwu Festival been marked by Chinese people over thousands of years?




    100. What is the reason why Qu Yuan killed himselfin the Miluo River?




    【解答】96.举办龙舟比赛是为了纪念屈原.句子翻译题.To hold the dragon-boat races 是动词不定式做主语,举办龙舟比赛,in memory of作为对某人的纪念,故答案为:举办龙舟比赛是为了纪念屈原.
    97.Qu Yuan wanted to bring peace to his country and make it stronger.句子翻译题.want to do sth.想要做某事,bring…to,给…带来.make it stronger使它更加强大.注意时态应该用一般过去时,故答案为:Qu Yuan wanted to bring peace to his country and make it stronger.
    98.Eating Zong Zi and racing Dragon-boats.细节理解题.根据For thousands of years,this festival has been marked by people's eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats可知几千年来,这个节日一直以人们吃粽子和赛龙舟为特色,故答案为:Eating Zong Zi and racing Dragon-boats.
    99.How discouraged he was!根据原句意思:他很沮丧,所以此处应该是how+形容词,+主语+谓语的感叹句,故答案为:How discouraged he was!
    100.Because the country was in the hands of bad officials,he could do nothing to change it and failed.He was very discouraged细节理解题.根据But the country was in the hands of bad officials,he could do nothing to change it and failed,He was very discouraged.可知屈原自杀的原因是:国家掌握在奸臣手里,他无能为力,很沮丧.故答案为:Because the country was in the hands of bad officials,he could do nothing to change it and failed.He was very discouraged.








        1. Is Anshun a more beautiful city than before?

        2. Do you think it is necessary for Anshun to be a civilized(文明的)city?

        3. Are you happy with the strive?

        4. What should you do to make Anshun become a green city?

        5. How can you become a civilized middle school student?

        B.请你根据上面五个问题的内容及你的同答,以“What should I do for the




      1.创建(n.)strive    2.申报bid for    3.称号(n.)title

      4.全国文明城市Nationally Civilized City    5.为……作贡献contribute to

    What Should I Do For the Strive?

    As a middle school student,I am terribly happy for that,because I will do what I can to help the strive.作为一名中学生,我非常高兴,因为我会尽我所能去帮助创建. 这是because引导的原因状语从句,因为…,同时这个句子里又有一个宾语从句what I can to help the strive.
    it is everyone's duty to contribute to the strive and struggle for the honor of"Nationally Civilized City",isn't it?争取创建"全国文明城市"并且为之奋斗是每个人的责任,不是吗?这是一个反意疑问句,前半句是肯定句,后半句是否定句.

    【解答】What Should I Do For the Strive?As we know,Anshun city is becoming more and more beautiful.Actually,Anshun is bidding for the title of Nationally Civilized City,which is a must for our city to become green and famous in China.【要点一,点名主题,引出下文】
    As a middle school student,I am terribly happy for that,because I will do what I can to help the strive【高分句型一,注意从句的使用】.What should we do then?Firstly,we can not litter everywhere and we should keep the street clean.Secondly,we should follow the traffic rules all times to keep safe.Thirdly,we should treat each other politely and behave in a civilized way.More importantly,we must plant more trees,flowers and plants to make the city greener.【要点二,详细介绍如何创建文明城市】
    To sum up,it is everyone's duty to contribute to the strive and struggle for the honor of"Nationally Civilized City",isn't it?【要点三,结尾紧扣主题】【高分句型二,注意反意疑问句的使用】



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