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    Written Test Part(120分)

    I. Choose the best answer.请从三个选项中选择最佳的一项填空。(10分)

    (   )1. It's __ English book.                        

    A.a        B./       C. an

    (   )2. --What's that __ English?      --It's a card.   

    A. in       B. at      C. to

    (   )3. Please call her __ 889-9675.                  

    A. at        B. on      C. of

    (   )4. (东营中考英语)301 is_____ in English.     

    A. three one zero    B. three zero one   C. one three zero

    (   )5. My friend is Kate Green. Kate is her ________. Green is her________

    A. first name; last name  

    B. family name; given name   

    C. last name; given name

    (   )6.(东营中考英语)下午遇见老师时,你应说:______.

    A.Good morning.  B.Thanks.C.Good afternoon。

    (   )7. --What' s this? -- ________            

    A. It's Eric   B. This is Eric  C. It's a CD

    (   )8.与G相邻的字母是________.         

    A.B,C      B.F,H       C.E,F

    (   ) 9.SOS代表_______.

    A.联合国 B.不明飞行物 C.(船舶或飞机发出的)紧急呼救信号

    (   )10. (东营中考英语)--_______is that quilt?      

    --It' s black.              

    A. What's color      B. How color      C. What color

    II. Match the sentences   (10分)                           

    (  )11. What's her name?                          A. R-U-L-E-R.

    (   )12. Is that your backpack?                      B. It's a computer.

    (  )13. What's his telephone number?               C. No. It is his backpack.

    (  )14. What's this in English'?                     D. Yes, it is.

    (   )15. Hello! I'm Jenny.                          E. Good evening, John!

    (   )16. What's your first name?                    F. Kate.

    (  )17. Is this your pen?                          G. Nice to meet you, too!

    (  )18. How do you spell it?                       H. Her name is Linda.

    (   )19. Nice to meet you!                          I. It's 398-6982.

    (   )20. Good evening, Alice!                       J. Hi!  I'm Gina.

    Ⅲ.(东营中考英语) Fill in the blanks.  (40分)

    A What   21   this? 22  a backpack.  It's my   23  .  What's that?  It's a   24  . It is 25  computer. Is that a computer, too?    26 .  It's a TV set.  It's   27  TV set.      I  28  it on Saturday(星期六) evening.  Then (然后 ) I go to bed(睡觉).    29   is a    30  TV set.

    (   )21. A. is        B. are        C. am

    (   )22. A. He's     B. She's      C. It's

    (  )23. A. backpack B. ring       C. book

    (   )24. A. TV set    B. computer   C. case

    (   )25. A. Her       B. she        C. her

    (  )26. A. Yes, it is        B. Yes, he is        C. No, it isn't

    (   )27. A. I         B. my       C. you

    (   )28. A. look      B. meet     C. watch

    (   )29. A. It       B. I         C. They

    (   )30. A. my       B. her       C. good


    (东营中考英语)Hello!  I'm Linda.  I'm a girl.  I like(喜欢) green very much.  I have a green pencil case.  There is (有) a green pencil,  a green ruler and a green pencil sharpener in it. What's this?  Oh, it's my green backpack.   Is that my watch?   No, it isn't.   It's blue.   It's Mike's watch.   Is that my pen?   Yes, it is.   It's green, too.

    (   )31. Linda is________.       

    A. a pen      B. a boy     C. a girl

    (   )32. Linda likes________ very much.       

    A. red        B. green     C. white

    (   )33. There is not ________in Linda's pencil case.

            A. a pencil    B. an eraser  C. a ruler

    (   )34. --Is that Linda's watch?  ________

            A. No. It's her watch.       B. Yes, it is.       C. No. It's Mike's watch.

    (   )35.(东营中考英语) Linda's pen is________          

    A. green     B. blue      C. yellow


       I'm Li Yan. I'm in Class 2.I am a girl Li Yan is my Chinese name. My English name is Jane. Li Min is my good friend. She is in Class 2, too. Miss Zhang is my Chinese teacher, and Mr Wang is my English teacher.

    36. Li Yan is ________.

    A. a boy     B. a girl      C. a teacher

    37. ________ is Li Yan's good friend.

    A. Li Min     B. Miss Zhang     C. Jane

    38. ________ and Li Yan are in Class 2.

    A. Jane      B. Li Min     C. Miss Zhang

    39. Li Yan's English name is ________.

    A. Li Min       B. Jane       C. Miss Zhang

    40.(东营中考英语) Miss Zhang is Jane's ________ teacher. 

    A. English      B. Chinese     C. maths


        Good morning, class! My name is Ma Ming. I'm your new English teacher. It's nice to meet you all. This is Emma. She is an English girl. What's your name, please? Oh, it's Mike. Sit down, please.


    (    ) 41. It's morning now.

    (    ) 42. Ma Ming is a teacher.

    (    ) 43. Emma is a teacher, too.

    (    ) 44. Mike is a student.

    (    ) 45. Ma Ming, Emma and Mike are in the classroom now.


        My name is Mary. I am seven years old. Ted is my brother. He is twelve. We are in the same school. My mother is a teacher. She teaches English. She is a teacher in our school. My father is a doctor. He works in a big hospital (医院). I have a dog. It's name is Bell. We are good friends.

    46. Ted and Mary are ________.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

    A. brother and sister  B. friends  C. mother and son    D. teachers

    47. Mary's mother is ________.

    A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher C. a college teacher D. a doctor

    48. Bell is the name of ________.

    A. Mary's brother  B. Mary's friend  C. Mary's dog D. Mary's mother

    49. Ted's father is ________.

    A. a teacher         B. a doctor       C. a worker        D. a student

    50. Ted, Mary and their mother are ________.

    A. at home  B. in the same school  C. students D. teachers


    IV  (东营中考英语)Reading comprehension. 请阅读对话,然后根据其内容选择最佳答案(10-分)

    Grace: Hello,Dale!

      Dale: Hello, Grace. How are you?

    Grace: I'm OK, thank you. How are you, Eric?

      Eric: I'm fine, too.

    Helen: Eric, what color is your new backpack (双肩背包)?

      Eric: It's green and yellow. Is it good?

    Helen: Yes, it's very nice!

      Bob: Good morning!

    Helen: Good morning! What's this?

    Bob: It's my new MP3. It's black.

    (   )51.________are fine. 

    A. Dale and Grace    B. Grace and Eric    C. Eric and Bob

    (   )52. Eric's backpack is________  

    A. black      B. yellow       C. green and yellow

    (   )53.________MP3 is black.       

    A. Helen's    B. Eric's    C. Bob's

    (  )54, Bob says “____”  to Helen.

            A. Good morning!        B. Good evening!        C. How are you?

    (   )55. Helen thinks(认为 ) Eric's backpack is________

            A. black           B. very nice        C. not good



    56. --H________are you?      


    57. (东营中考英语)--Is that his p________?    

    --No. it's his pen.

    58. How do you s________ "dictionary"?

    59. My e ________is in the pencil case.

    60. --Is it your c ________?      

    --Yes, it is.


              this, yes, game, not, call

    61. Her watch is ______ yellow. It's black.

    62. Please ________Anna at 565-3124.

    63. That' s my computer________.

    64. ---What' s ________?     

    --It' s a map.

    65. (东营中考英语)--Is your pencil sharpener red?       

    -- ________, it is.


    66. What's his________(nmae)?

    67. The________(yob) is Tony.

    68. --What's your________(aimlfy) name?   


    69. --This is Mike.       

    --Nice to________(eemt) you, Mike.

    70. What's the________(arenws)?


    71. –Is ________your backpack?

        --No. That one is mine(我的).               (this, that)

    72. My book ________in my bag.                 (is, am)

    73. Please call Jack  ________311-9848.          (at, in)

    74. Is ________name Kim?                     (her, she)

    75. (东营中考英语)My name is Jim Miller. Miller is my ________ name.        ( first, last)


    76. What ________ her name?

    77.“________ you in Grade Seven?”“No, I ________ not. I ________ in Grade S

    78. This ________ my teacher, Mr Wang.

    79.“What ________ his telephone number?”“It ________ 18367310586.”

    80.“What class ________ you in?”“I ________ in Class Eleven, Grade Seven.”

    81 What ____________ your teacher’s name

    82 How _______you? I _________ fine, thanks.

    83 What ____________ your teacher’s name?

    84 class ___________ Jack in? He __________ in Class Two.

    VII. Writing 写作 (15)


    七、 (东营中考英语)书面表达。

    假设你是Tony, 请根据下面表格的信息写一篇50词左右的自我介绍,注意大小写及标点符号。

    要求:1. 所给的信息必须全部用上。

          2. 必要时可增加内容。

          3. 表达连贯,书写工整规范。








    Class 3,

    Grade 7




    东营中考英语答案1-5 CAABA


    11-15 ACIBJ     16-20.FDAGE 

    21-25、ACABC     26-30.CBCAC

    31-35. CBBCA    36-40BABBA   41-45TTFFT

    46-50 ABCBB                                 

    51-55 BCCAB 

    56.How 57.pen58.spell 59.eraser60.cap

    61.not 62.call63.game64.this65.Yes


    71.this 72.is73.at74.her75.last

    76.is 77.Are am am 78.is79.is is80are am81.is82.are am 83.is84.is is


    作文:Hello,My name is Tony. I am 13. I am in Class3 Grade7

    .My favourte colour is red.Football is my favourte sport.                                                                                                                                                                                                            

    I like playing football on Saturday.

    Can you playfootball?  Tell me.ok?





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