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    2017~ 2018学年揭阳九年级月考英语试题【word版含答案】



    2017~ 2018学年揭阳九年级月考英语试题【word版含答案】


    一. 听力理解(本大题分为A、B、C、D四部分,共25小题,每小题1分,共25分)

    A.听单句话:根据所听句子的内容和所提的问题, 选择符合题意的图画回答问题,并将题卡上对应的选项涂黑。每小题听一遍。(5分)

    1. How will the woman travel ?


    2. Which did the man start playing at the age of five ?





    AB    C   

    3.Where is the woman going ?





              A  B    C

    4. How did the man feel ?





    A    B   C 

    5. Who is the girl taking to the cinema ?





              A  B    C

    B.听对话:回答每段对话后面的问题,在每小题所给的三个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将答题卡上对应的选项涂黑。每段对话听两遍。(10 分)

    听第一段对话回答第6 小题 。

    6. What is the matter with Nick ?

       A. He has a headache .          B. He has a fever .     C. He has a toothache.

    听第二段对话回答第7 小题 。

    7. Where are the two speakers ?

    A. In the classroom .B. In the library.        C. At home.

    听第三段对话回答第8 小题 。

    8. What are Ann and Helen doing ?

       A. Playing ping-pong .         B. Dancing and singing .   C. Running .

    听第四段对话回答第9小题 。

    9. When will the boy's School Day be celebrated ?

       A. In July .       B. In August . C. In September.

    听第五段对话回答第10小题 。

    10. Why does the man want to move to a new house ?

      A. Because his child studies there . B. Because his neighbor plays the guitar all night long .

      C. Because his wife likes living there .

    听第六段对话回答第11-12 小题 。

    11. Who is the telephone from ?

    A. Mary .   B. Linda.   C. Kate .

    12. What are they going to do this afternoon ?

        A. Visit friends .         B. Have a party .       C. Have a speech .

    听第七段对话回答第13-15 小题 。

    13. Who are they ?

        A. Father and daughter.   B. Mother and son .     C. Teacher and student .

    14. What does the woman want to do first ?

        A. Do the cleaning .      B. Take a shower .      C. Do the washing .

    15. What time will they go for a walk ?

    A. At 7:00 .   B. At 7:10 .C. At 7:30 .


    16.The speaker has ______________ brothers and sisters .

    A. two    B. three   C. four

    17. His mother spent ______________ preparing lunches for the children .

    A. thirty minutes       B. an hour C. one and a half hours

    18.They usually had ___________________for lunch.

    A. some fresh salad and cookie       B. some orange juice and some cakes   

    C. an egg sandwich ,a banana and a cookie

    19.The speaker had trouble listening carefully in class because he ______________.

    A. was hungry         B. didn't like school        C. didn't like the teacher

    20. The speaker decided _______________ in the end .

    A. to throw all the food   B. to make his own sandwich    C. not to eat at school

    D. 听填信息。 (5分)

    你将听到导游Jina介绍Lonely Island的旅行计划。请你根据所听内容填写下面的信息卡。此题不是选择题,请将答案写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。本题听两遍。

          Lonely Island Tour Plans

    Something about it

    The island is beautiful and 21_____________ .


    You need to take an umbrella because it is a bit 22_______________ .



    This morning

    Go hiking in the forest.

    Tomorrow morning

    Visit a 23____________________ .

    Tomorrow afternoon

    Visit some lovely villages .

    Tomorrow evening

    You can 24_______ in the central town by bus .

    The phone number  

    Call 25_______________ to get help .


    26. —Have you seen ____TV servies A Love of Separation《小别离》,Mum?

    --Yes,it’s quite______ meaningful play,so I have seen it twice.

    A.a; the                         B.the; a                          C.a ; an          D.the;the

    27. They got much _____ from those new books.

    A. ideas  B. photos C. news          D. stories

    28. —_________ is the population of the Mianhu?

      —About 200,000. And a third of them _________ workers.

    A. What, are          B. How many, are      C. What, is        D. How much, is

    29. It took me two weeks ____ reading the novels written by Mo Yan. .

        A. finish         B. to finish C. finishes        D. finishing

    30. After the Asian Games, ______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.

                  A. thousand                 B. thousands of                 C. five thousands                D. five thousands of

    31. - What do you think of the new foreign teacher Thomson?

       - Pretty good. I think he ____ a great job so far.

         A. does            B. did  C. has done          D. was done

    32. When Jack arrived _____the airport,he found it hard to look for a place to park his car.

        A.in        B.at   C.on          D.to

    33.— Mary won a prize in the speech contest yesterday.  — ___________,and __________.

    A. So she did;so I did  B.So did she;so did I  

    C.So she did;so did I   D.So did she;so I did

    America is a _____________,while Cuba is a _____________.

    A. developing country; developing country    B. developed country; developed country

    C. developed country; developing country     D. developing country; developed country

    35. This house is one of ________ buildings in the town.We must take actions to protect it.

       A.old         B.older        C.oldest       D.the oldest

    36. You _______ go through the security check (安检) before getting on the train.

    A. can                                B. must                               C. may                              D. might

    37. —What do you think of the environment here?

       — Wonderful!_________ of the land ______ covered with trees and grass.

      A.Two fifth;is                             B.Two fifths;is                              C.Two fifth;are                             D.Two fifths;are

    38.—Mary,you are going to America tomorrow,I will miss you!

         —Don’t worry! We can keep in touch _______ each other _____ Wechat.

      A.to; with                                          B.with;to                                                        C.with;by                                           D.to;by

    39. ________ my father practiced driving for a long time, ______ still failed the driving exam.

      A. Though;but                             B. Though;/                                           C . Because;so                             D. Because;/

    40. —Have you visited Wangtianhu in Jieyang _________?

       —Yes,I’ve ________ visited it.It’s very beautiful.

      A. already;already              B. yet;yet                                          C. yet;just                                           D. just;already

    41. Do you know Walt Disney made 87 cartoon with Mickey ___________?

      A. in 1930s                                          B. in the 1930                                          C.in the 1930s                                          D. in a 1930

    42. —____________ town it is !

    —Yes .Great changes have taken place here since we began to build a civilized(文明的)city .

        A. How beautiful   B. How a beautiful   C. What beautiful    D. What a beautiful

    43. Bob has made rapid progress,and he has already ____________ in __________ the exam.

       A. success;pass              B. successful;to pass               C. succeeded;passed              D. succeeded;passing

    44.—Do you know _______ the Capital Museum?

    —Next Friday.

    A. when will they visit        B. when they will visit

    C. when did they visit         D. when they visited

    45.--- Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park.  

       ----- ______. We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins.  

       A.Take it easy     B.Good luck      C.I guess so     D.Take care


    A mobile phone is very useful. It’s one of the greatest   46   in the world .And many students have great fun   47   with it. But it does harm to their health a lot.

    If you have a mobile phone, it is necessary to know about the   48   of using it and learn how to enjoy your phone safely. Sending messages can be a wonderful way to connect with your friends. But you   49   receive some cheating (欺骗)messages.   50   , you may get a message saying that you have won a big prize . Don’t believe it.

    Some students like listening to the music on the phone   51   walking. It’s very  52   because there are so many cars and buses on the road. Remember not to 53   on the mobile phone too often or too long. Your parents will be angry if you spend too much money. Last,   54   your mobile phone when you sleep. The noise of rubbish messages may   55   you up. What’s more, the radiation of the mobile phone is harmful to your health .

    (    ) 46. A. laws                                          B. methods                                          C. secrets                                                        D. inventions

    (    ) 47. A. playing                            B. having                                                        C. creating                                          D. reaching

    (    ) 48. A. pride                             B. differences                              C. advantages                   D. discussions

    (    ) 49. A. seldom                  B. never                                  C. hardly                                                          D. probably

    (    ) 50. A. As soon as                            B. For example                            C. Instead of                                          D. In fact

    (    ) 51. A. while                             B. until                                            C. before                                    D. after

    (    ) 52. A. safe                              B. dangerous                                          C. careful                                                          D. exciting

    (    ) 53. A. tell                               B. talk                                                        C. speak                                              D. say

    (    ) 54. A. turn up                            B. turn down                                          C. turn off                                            D. turn on

    (    ) 55. A. look                              B. put                                                  C. pick                                                          D. wake




    Special Offers

    Free soft drink

      Buy any meal for at least 6 yuan at Mike's Café and receive a free soft drink.We serve the best hamburgers and snacks in the mall.Come in and try our delicious meals and our excellent service.Free soft drink offer ends on November 12.

    Buy one, get one free

      Buy one shirt at LOTTE­Mart's Menswear (男士专柜), and get another shirt of the same value free.You can choose any tie here, then we will give you another one at no cost.Hurry! Offer ends on November 10.


    10% Off

       Show this ticket at Xinhua Book Store to get a 10% discount on any book you buy.We have lots of books to choose from, including children's books, novels, travel guides and hobbies.You are sure to find something that you'll enjoy.Shop now for Christmas.

    6 Hours' Free Parking

       If you spend 100 yuan or more in RT­Mart, you will receive six hours of free parking.When you have spent 100 yuan or more, just take this ticket that you pay for your goods to the service desk.They will stamp your parking ticket to allow 6 hours of free parking.

    (  )56.The information above is probably taken from ________.

    A.a sports report   B.a story book

    C.a fashion magazine          D.an advertisement poster

    (  )57.If the price of the book is 40 yuan, you need to pay ________.

    A.4 yuan                    B.36 yuan                   C.40 yuan                                 D.44 yuan

    (  )58.You can get another tie for free ________ at LOTTE­Mart's Menswear.

    A.on November 9                        B.on November 11

    C.on November 10                     D.on Christmas Day

    (  )59.How long can you park your car for free at most after spending 108 yuan in RT­Mart?

    A.1 hour.                   B.5 hours.        C.6 hours.                                   D.7 hours.

    (  )60.What can Tom get for free after he has spent 7 yuan at Mike's Café?

    A.A soft drink.  B.The best hamburgers.

    C.The best snacks.          D.A delicious meal.


       English is now an international language. There are about 350 million people speaking English as their first language and 750 million as their second language. English is spoken as an official language in more than 60 countries. English has already become an international language in the fields of business, science, technology, bank, computer, medicine, tourism and so on . Let’s see the importance of English in the following .

    Jobs: Most of the businesses dealing with international customers prefer using English. English serves as the most common language to translate, interpret and communicate. So, if one wants to have more chances, he or she has to be fluent in English.

    Travel:Languages are different from country to country. If you travel to another country, you will be in trouble when you don’t know the language in the country. In such situation, English comes to help you. Knowing English can help you communicate with anyone wherever you travel.

    Internet:Though the Internet has developed in different kinds of languages, English still remains as the core(核心的) language for most users. Most of the information and websites are written in English. With the growth of the Internet and E-commerce(电子商务), English language is sure to grow.

    (    ) 61. About        people speak English as their second language.

    A. 350 ,000                B. 350,000,000     C. 750,00      D. 750 ,000,000             

    (    ) 62. English is spoken as      language in more than 60 countries. 

         A. a first                            B. a second                            C. an official                             D.  a useless

    (    ) 63. The underlined(下划线的) word “fluent” mean___________ in Chinese .

        A. 流利的                                          B. 磕巴的                            C. 结实的                                          D. 生僻的

    (    ) 64. Which language can help you communicate with anyone wherever you travel?

        A. Chinese.        B. English.       C. French.D. German.

    (    ) 65. Which is the best title for the passage ?

    A.The First Language       B. The Official Language

    C. How to Use English      D. The Importance of English



    (   ) 66. Anna is very busy with her job in the company, so she often feels nervous and tired. She hopes to take some exercise to relax herself on weekends.

    (   ) 67. Maria comes from Australia. Now she is studying in Guangzhou University. She is very happy in China. She enjoys Chinese food . But she is worried because she is getting fatter and fatter. So she’d like to find a way to keep fit.

    (   ) 68. Bill has won the first prize in the sports meet . He is going to invite his classmates to a place to celebrate it with them .

    (   ) 69. Lisa is a smart girl studying in a university. She does well in all his subjects except computer science. Now she has made up his mind to improve her computer lesson because it is necessary for many jobs.

    (  ) 70. Jimmy is a middle school student. He loves nature and has a wide interest. He is interested in visiting some places to see lots of animals and plants.

    A. Online Computer Training Course

    You can find many free computer learning lessons. They are for low beginners to high beginners. You can learn a lot about computer science .You can find what you need.

    B. Night Adventure (冒险)

    Put on your warm clothes and come for a night walk along the Wild Animal Park. Many of the animals will be seen on this trip at night. Call 86791286 to join us.

    C. Chinese Painting Class

    You can learn the skills of painting birds, flowers or persons with brushes. Painting tools are provided. We have lessons in the day and at night. Tel: 67816279.

    D. Party Cafe

    This is a good place to enjoy your party. We will offer hand-made cakes, hot drinks and dishes. And you can decorate (装饰) your party if you like.

    E. A Speech of Science & Health

    Is it possible to build up our health without much exercise? The answer is “Yes”,according to the Chinese traditional medicine.This weekend Dr.Cheng will tell you advice to help you improve your health in an easy way.

    F. Yoga Club

    Yoga(瑜伽) is a good way to stretch (伸展)your bodies and relax your minds. Unlike ball games or climbing, you won’t feel tired , especially after five days of work.

    G. Healthy Diet Program

    The two month program helps you discover how to be thin and healthy! Call us at 75763457 to get more information.

    五. 短文填空: ( 本大题有10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)


        How much do you know about American schools? They are quite different from 71.________ in China.In America, 72.________ the beginning of the term, students must 73.________ their courses and teachers first.While in China, students usually have no chances to select their courses and teachers.

    Selecting is very important for your grades in America.So at 74.________ first term, don't select too many courses, 75.________ you'll feel very nervous and it may influence your study.Then you have to 76.________ for help from teaching plans.There is some information about subjects, time arranging, marks and textbooks.At the same 77.________, you must choose the teachers.Different teachers have 78.________ teaching methods.If the teacher is called “killer” by the last grade, many students will give 79.________ choosing him.80.________ this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, too many exams and give too low grades.

    六. 读写综合:(本大题分两部分,共20分)请将答案填写在答题卡相应题目的答题位置上。



                  Mother's Day is celebrated in the USA.It is also a holiday in some other countries.It is on the second Sunday in May.It is a day to thank mothers.On that day mothers usually receive flowers or cards.On the cards, children will write “Thanks, Mom”, “To the best mother in the world”, “Best wishes for Mother's Day” and so on.We should make mothers happy on that day.

                  Where does the idea for the holiday come from? We should thank Miss Anna M.Jarvis.She brought up the idea of having such a day.She lived in West Virginia.Her mother died on May 9th, 1905.She had a deep love for her mother.She wrote letters to some important persons.In her letters she asked them to decide a day for all mothers.Then Mother's Day was made on the second Sunday in May by the USA in 1913.

                  In China, children give presents to their mothers on Mother's Day, or the whole family go out and try to do something nice for their mothers.Because mothers always think of others more than themselves.They love their children and families very much.Everybody should show his love to his mother and help her as much as possible.

    Information Card

    The date of Mother's Day

    On 81.________________.


    What mothers usually receive on Mother's Day



    On Mother's Day in China

    Children give presents to their mothers.

    The whole family go out and 83.________________ for their mothers.

    Why did Anna M.Jarvis write letters?

    Because she 84.________________.


    Whom did she write to?




    内容包括:1.母亲的爱表现在什么地方? 2.为了报答母亲的爱,你应该做些什么?






    2017~ 2018学年揭阳九年级月考英语试题参考答案

    一.听力理解(1×25, 共25分)

    1-5   A B B A C       6-10   C B A C B    

    11-15  A C B C B      16-20  C B C A B

    21. quiet   22. rainy   23. fruit farm   24. go shopping    25. 68260690

    二.单项填空(1×20 , 共20分)

    26-30 BCABB      31-35 CBCCD    36-40 BBCBC     41-45 CDDBA    

    三.完形填空(1×10, 共10分)

    46-50 DACDB          51-55 ABBCD  

    四.阅读理解(2×15, 共30分)

    56-60 DBCCA          61-65 DCABD 66-70 FGDAB  

    五.短文填词(1.5×10, 共15分)

    71.those     72.at      73. choose/select   74. the      75.or  

    76.ask      77.time    78.different       79.up       80.Because

    六.读写综合 (共20分)

    A) 部分:(1×5, 共5分)

    81. the second Sunday in May 82. Flowers or cards  83.try to do something nice   

    84.had a deep love for her mother       85. Some important persons

    B) 部分: (15分) 

    Mother's love is the greatest in the world.Every mother loves her kids and wants to give everything to them.When you stay up to study, your mother will stay with you and give you a glass of hot milk.When you feel sad, your mother will talk with you and make you feel better.

                  Everyone should love his/her mother and make her happy.I will help my mother do some housework, such as cleaning the rooms, cooking and shopping.I think good grades are the best for my mother.So I will study hard and be a good student.I won't let my mother feel disappointed.


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