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    A.congratulations       B.It’s fun                C.Have a good time

    A.I don’t think to     B.You are welcome          C.Nothing much

    A.I’m afraid  not      B.Well done                C.Thank you

    A.That’s OK            B.Good idea                C.I’m sorry about that

    A.Sounds good           B.You are right            C.Yes,please


    A.Tall and strong          B.Short and thin        C.Short but strong

    A.He was watching TV       B.He was sleeping         C.He was answering the phone  

    A.At 10 p.m              B.At 5:30 a.              C.At 6:00 a.m

    A.The woman’s           B.The man’s              C.Tom’s

    A.A teacher             B.A doctor                C.A policeman



    11.            12.           13.           14.           15.          



    How does Henry learn English?

    A.By listening to music.   B.By doing exercises.     C.By watching movies.

    17.Who does Henry ask for help when he has problems in English?

    A.His parents.           B.His friends.               C.His teacher.


    18.When did Mike go to the cinema?

    A.Last Saturday.         B.Last Sunday.                C.Last Friday.

    19.Who did Mike go with?

    A.His  friends.          B.His family.                 C.His children.

    20.What does Mike think of the movie?

    A.It’s boring.          B.It’s moving .               C.It’s funny .


    Where does Frank work?

    A.At a book shop.        B.At a clothes shop.           C.At a food shop.

    22.How many nights does Frank work a week?

    A.Two.                   B.Seven.                       C.One. 

    23.When does Frank’s work start?

    A.At 7:00 p.m            B.At 10:00 p.m                C.At 7:00 a.m

    24.What has Frank’s bought?

    A.A new bike.            B.A new book.                 C.A new mobile phone. 

    25.What is Frank’s phone number?

    A.It’s 521-6973         B.It’s 521-6937              C.It’s 531-6397



    If Chinese soccer team tries their best,our World Cup dream can come      one day.

    Mr.Miller is badly ill,so Miss Green will give a speech instead of         .

    Laura took my book away        mistake.She felt sorry and returned it at once.

    At the great sale,Lucy bought a nice dress at a very low         .

    Henry has little money,so be can’t         to buy the expensive watch.


    This is my        (five)time to come to the Great Wall and every time I feel differently.

    Let’s keep          (diary),and record every little thing in our colorful life.

    Bob was            (lucky).He lost all his pocket money this morning.

    It snowed         (heavy)Last night.Let’s go out and make a snowman.

    Every week,Jason looks forward to         (get)a letter from his pen pal.

    VIII. 单项选择 从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案.(15分)

    -The shirt is a little expensive .Do you have ______cheaper one?

      -Yes.Try this blue one.

       A.a                B.an                C.the             D./

    Little Jenny fell off the bike and got hurt.She really hoped______could show up and help her.

       A.anybody          B.somebody          C.nobody          D.everybody

    English is like a window.We can see the colorful word______it.

       A.over             B.without           C.though          D.among

    No matter how many places I have been to.hometown is always____one in my heart.

       A.beautiful        B.more beautiful     C.most beautiful  D.the most beautiful

    My father is writer and he is the person_____takes me to the world of reading.

       A.who              B.which             C.whom            D.what

    -____good time we had yesterday!

       -Yes.We were so lucky.The weather was just right for our picnic.

       A.How a            B.How               C.What a          D.What

    No one is more hard-working than Jack.He is always the____on to leave work.

       A.last             B.first             C.early           D.quick

    -I've prepared a surprise party for Lucy.But I'm not sure_________.

       -Of course she will.She likes parties.

       A.what she will like                   B.what will she like

       C.whether she will like it             D.whether will she like it

    The government prevents farmers from burning the corn________.

       A.avoid air pollution                  B.to avoid air pollution

       C.avoiding air pollution               D.avoided air pollution

    -Jenny,will you go to the concert tonight?

       -I won't,______Betty goes.We always hang out together.

       A.since             B.after            C.unless          D.though

    Volunteers______notices and taught the public to protect animals.

       A.found out         B.gave out         C.ran out         D.put out

    -The weather report says it will be rainy tomorrow.

       -Yes.If the school trip_______.students must be disappointed.

       A.was cancelled    B.is cancelled     C.has cancelled   D.will be cancelled

    -_______are your new shoes?

       -I bought them cheaply,for only 100yuan.

       A.How much           B.How many        C.How old         D.How about

    ______on exercising,and you can face the life with more energy.

       A.To keep            B.Keeping         C.keep            D.kept

    -Tom,could you not leave your dirty clothes everywhere?


       A.It doesn't matter                    B.OK,I will

       C.Sorry, I won't                       D.Sounds good



    Mary :Hey,Peter.We will graduate in a few months.   51 

    Peter:Well,I am not sure yet.It's just what I'm worrying about recently.

    Mary :Why do you say so?

    Peter:My parents want me to go to the best high school.But I'm not sure,   52

    Mary :But I know you always get good grades.   53  

    Peter:I don’t know.Maybe because I’m afraid of the failure. Maybe because I don’t want to let them down.

    Mary :   54   You should believe in yourself.Just do your best and you won’t  regret.That’s enough.

    Peter:IOK,Mary, I will.    55   Thanks a lot.

    Mary : No problem,Peter.Good luck.




    Where Were the Luckys?

    Once upon a time,there was a kind of creature called Lucky.Luckys were born out of the most beautiful flowers and could bring luck to people.   56     everyone tried to make friends with Luckys by giving them    57     .

    Violet didn’t want to be friends with Luckys by giving gifts.She treated them

      58    her real friends.She talked to them,helped them and spent a lot of time

         59   with them.

       One day,people heard that there were thousands of Luckys living in a waterfall.So they    60   many gifts and went to the waterfall. Violet went there a little late. When she arrived,she saw people sitting there   61    and there were     62  Luckys with them.

       “The waterfall are all our Luckys,”cried a woman.“It opened and the Luckys went    63    .Go, Violet!Before it’s too late!”But it was already too 64   .The waterfall opened and then closed with a big noise.   65  .Violet’s Luckys were still there with her.The waterfall opened again.This time,people could see all the Luckys inside and there were a lot of gifts around     66   .“Come with me,little him if you want,”said Violet .But her Luckys didn’t   67   .Instead,they hugged Violet to show   68   they loved her.

      Seeing this,other people knew   69   they should do.They went to the waterfall.They decided to get 70   Luckys back by giving them love and care.

    A.So           B.But                  C.Because           D.Until

    A.flowers      B.friends              C.gifts             D.money

    A.for          B.with                 C.to                D.as

    A.play         B.playing              C.to play           D.played

    A.caught       B.liked                C.took              D.brought

    A.happily      B.sadly                C.lively            D.carefully

    A.no           B.many                 C.any               D.some

    A.away         B.outside              C.inside            D.back

    A.late         B.early                C.fast              D.slow

    A.Then         B.Also                C.Instead          D.However

    A.it           B.her                 C.him              D.them

    A.leave        B.come                C.arrive           D.say

    A.how long     B.how often           C.how much         D.how many

    A.how          B.why                 C.which            D.what

    A.our          B.their               C.her              D.his



    I want to tell you a story about the accident of a person who means a lot to me.It was a sunny Saturday in July,I was told that my brother had a car accident.I was shocked,and didn’t know what to do.It seemed that my whole world was ending.The only words that came out of my mouth were,“Is he all right?”But I didn’t get any response.My parents couldn’t,and neither could my brother. He was badly hurt.He was in a coma(昏迷)for three months.My parents and I were very worried about him.Luckily, in the end,he won,and he beat death successfully.

    Soon,we found that the coma had influenced part of his brain.For a long time he couldn’t remember who he was talking to or where he was going to.

    When he got better,we learned that he was using his mobile phone when he was driving.My parents were angry at him,because they had told him many times it was dangerous to use phones while driving.But he didn’t listen to them,so he had this accident.

    The experience helped me understand the importance of safety.We should listen to people’s suggestions and keep safe when we are driving or doing other things.


             had a car accident.

    The writer                        B.The writer’s brother

    C.The writer’s parents           D.The writer’s friend

    What does the underlined word“response”mean?

    A.帮助          B.呼唤      C.回应              D.回响

    The writer says “he won”because        .

    he got better after the accident               B.he won a competition

    C.he was good at driving                          D.he was important to the writer

    The parents were angry because          .

    their son didn’t like driving cars          B.their son didn’t listen to them

    C.their son was in a coma                     D.their son forgot them

    What can we learn from the passage?

    We should listen to others suggestions.

    Don’t drive cars while listening to music.

    We should know how to drive cars.

    We should know how to deal with car accident.


    Do you know what“cotton wool children”means? Today,many parents and teachers care too much about children’s safety.They don’t allow children to take any risk.So if playing a game has any risk of being hurt,these children won’t be allowed to join it.They are called “cotton wool children.”

    A study among 2000parents of primary school students is made by two organizations,Play England and the British Hobby Association. It shows that the average(平均)child gets just 37 minutes of playing time during the school days.Two thirds of parents say that they feel this is not enough.Scientists say that if children get hurt at school,their parents will be angry at teachers.So schools just cut down playing time.That’s the reason of the situation.

    According to Dr.Amanda Gummer,a member of the research group,children need to take some risks.From the risks,they can learn what’s safe and what’s not.That’s very important to them,especially to boys.If a boy doesn’t get any risk,he will feel hard to deal with dangerous situations when he grows up.Now,many people have realized this problem and are trying to do something to solve it.Many teachers have been trained to protect children from being hurt while playing.But more actions still need to be taken.


    “Cotton wool children”are the ones          .

    A.who like cotton and wool a lot       B.who like to take risks

          C.who are not allowed to take risks     D.who are against parents and teachers

    77.Playing time is cut down by schools because          .

    A.teachers think some activities are not interesting

    B.teacher are afraid of children being hurt

    C.parents think some activities are dangerous

    D.parents think some activities are not good for children

    Which of the following statements is right?

    A.Taking risks is necessary for children.

    B.Dr.Amanda is from Play England.

    C.No one is trying to solve the problem.

    D.The problem has been solved.

    What is the writer’s attitude to “cotton and wool children”?

    He hates them.                         B.He admires them.

    C.He doesn’t care about them.           D.He worries about them.

    What is the best title for the passage?

       A.The risks of life                   B.He admires them.

       C.Teachers’ worries                  D.Cotton wool children.


    Being invited to a job interview means you have passed the first test,and you probably able to work in the company in the near future.There is something you can do to prepare for the interview before the day comes.

    You should spend some time researching the company.You can get the information by having a look at their website.Knowing a lot about the company makers you feel confident when you are asked about the company in the interview.And it also allows you to ask questions.

    You can go to the company the day before to find out how long the journey will take.You should also plan another way of arriving there so that if something unexpected happens(for example,a traffic jam).you can still get there on time.

    Decide what to wear for the interview and get the clothes ready. You don't have to buy a new suit.Cleanness and tidiness is the most important thing to remember when you are choosing clothes.

    If all these preparations have been done,you can put all the information together to make sure that noting has been left out when you go to the interview.


    If you are invited to a job interview,you are sure to get the job.

    If is unnecessary to spend some time researching the company before the job interview.

    You should plan another way to get to the company because you may meet something unexpected.

    Cleanness is more important than tidiness when choosing clothes for the job interview.

    From the passage,we know it is better to make some preparations before job interviews.


      Why play sports? You might say “to get exercise”and you'd be right .To have fun? That’s true, too. But there’s more.  86  According to the Women’s Sports Foundation, girls who play sports get a lot more than just being strong.

    •Girls who play sports do better in school. You might think that exercise wi1l take up all your study time. 87  Exercise improves learning, memory, and concentration, which can give active girls an advantage in the classroom.

    •Girls who play sports learn teamwork and goal-setting skills. Sports teach valuable life skills. When you work with coaches, trainers, and teammates to win games and achieve goals. you’re learning how to be successful. Those skills will serve you well at work and in family life.

    •  88  In addition to being fit and keeping a healthy weight, girls who p1ay sports are also less likely to smoke. And later in life, girls who exercise are less likely to get illnesses.

    •Playing sports builds self-confidence.  89  Why?It builds confidence when you know you can achieve your goals. Sports are also a feel-good activity because they help girls get in shape, maintain a healthy weight, and make new friends.

    •   90 Playing sports can make you have less stress and help you feel a little happier.How?The brain chemicals given out during exercise improve a person's feelings.Friends are another good feeling maker.And being on a team creates closer relationship between friends.It is good to konw your teammates will support you- both on and off the field!


       A.Sports are good for a girl's health.

       B.Girls who play sports feel better about themselves.

       C.But research shows that girls who play sports do better in studies.

       D.Exercise cuts the pressure.

       E.In fact, there are at least five more reasons.

       F.Girls who play sports like to laugh.


       Nero was the leader of a village.He and his people lived in a lonely land.There was a monster(怪物)in the land,too.The monster was so huge and strong that no one could beat it.It killed many people in Nero's village.When Nero became the leader, he said he would kill the monster one day.

       However,for many years,Nero didn't do anything about it.He didn't even train soldiers or make weapons(武器).When people asked him about it,he would say,”I will beat the monster, but nut now” To keep alive,Nero always asked his people to move here and there to escape from the monster.

      Year had passed and Nero became an old man.On a cold winter night,Nero asked his people to get together.He said it was time to bear the monster.People were surprised because they hat already forgotten Nero's words about killing the monster.But they believed in Nero.They took their weapons and went to the monster's home . When they arrived at his home ,they saw a monster lying on the ground .It was too weak to get up . So they killed the monster easily.

    When they went back,asked Nero why the monster was so weak.Nero said,”Have you noticed that the monster never comes during very cold days? I've found that it is afraid of cold.Today is the coldest day in these years”

        Hearing his words,people learned a lot.Sometimes patience could be more useful than action.


    When did Nero and his people live?

    How did people fell when they were asked to beat the monster?

    Was it easy or hard for the people to kill the monster at last?

    Why was the monster so weak?

    What can we learn from the passage?



       Chines Poetry Conference has been very popular these days.It is a program that shows people's love and efforts to our country's96.______and language.When watching the program,we fall97.______love with the beauty of Chinese language and we look up to the competitors.The winner Wu Yishu,a student from Shanghai,said that everyone in the competition 98._______a good job and she could succeed just 99.______she had been learning Chinese poetry for long time and loved it so much.who will be the 100._______winner?Can it be you?




    26.true   27.him   28.by   29.price   30.afford   31.fifth   32.diaries  33.unlucky   34.heavily    35 getting

    36-40 ABCDA      41-45 CACBC         46-50 BBACC




    56-60ACDBD    61-65 BACAD    66-70 DACDB


    71-75BCABA   76-80  CBADD  81-85  FFTFT   86-90  ECABD

    In  a lonely  land.

    They were surprised.

    It was easy.

    Because it was afraid of dark.

    Sometimes patience could be more useful than acti0n.


    96.culture 97.in 98. did 99.through 100.next.


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