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    1. --Has Gong Li ever won ________ Oscar _________ Best Actress?

      --No, she hasn't.

      A. an; of              B. a; for               C. an; to              D. an; for

    2. The young teacher who has a________ face can make his classes ______ and interesting.

       A. lovely; lively       B. lovely; lovely        C. likely; friendly      D. ugly; lively

    3. --Zhang Lei, why not ________ eating dumplings instead of noodles?

      --Good idea. I like dumplings.

      A. practise            B. forget              C. remember          D. consider

    4. --What do you prefer, staying at home or having a walk around the lake'?

      --I want to go out. I _________ take a walk.

      A. like               B. would rather        C. would like          D. feel like

    5.I thought it was worth ________ a hundred miles to see the basketball game.

      A. driven            B. driving             C. drive               D. being driven

    6. --Wow, so many beautiful shoes!  1 don't know which pair to buy.

      --I can help you make a ________

      A. question        B. protection            C. decision           D. communication

    7. --A number of students_________ in the dining hall.

    --Yes. The number of the students         800.

    A. is; is            B. are; are              C. is; are              D. are; is

    8. --What are you looking for?

    -- I'm looking for the ring ________ my husband bought me last year,

       A. who            B. that               C. whom             D. it

    9. --What was the result of the basketball game?

      --We lost the game, _______ everybody played well.

      A. although          B. if                C. because            D. unless

    10. --Could you __________?

       --I'd be glad to.

       A. offer me some advices                  B. offer me any suggestions

       C. give me some suggestions               D. give me any advic

    l 1. --Who's the most modest boy in your class'?

       --Jack. He never _______ in public.

       A. shows off        B. gets off            C. takes off           D, turns off

    12. --Many students don't know how to ___________ stress and become worried.

       --1 think they'd better ask their teachers for help.

          A. argue with     B. deal with           C. quarrel with        D. come up with

    13. --Did you buy the book Mr Li recommended yesterday?

       --Yes. I find it __________ useful book that I can't wait to read it.

    such a        B. such an            C. so a               D. so an

    14. --Why are you so angry?

    --My son ____ to me that he __ the money Oil the desk, but in fact he spent it on th icecream.

    A. lied; lay          B. lied; laid          C. lay; laid           D. laid; lay

    15. --Running Man is funny!

    -- . I've never seen such an interesting TV show before.

    A. I agree with you                         B. You're quite wrong

    C. I don't like it at all                        D. I disagree

    二、完形填空。 (20 分)

    As a student, there are several ways to have your homework done more easily.

      16 , understand the task clearly. Write the task down on your notebook if you need to. Don't be   17   to ask questions. It's much easier to take a few minutes to ask the teacher during or after class   18   to try to understand them by yourself later at night!  If you want, you can also ask how long it may   19   to finish the task, so you can plan your time.

    Second, use any spare   20   you have in the school to work on your homework. It maybe relaxing to   21    with friends during your free time, and the more homework you get done at school,the   22   you'll have to do at home.

      Third, have a clear mind about your homework. If you don't   23   your homework in school, think about how much is still left. Many students spend three to four hours  24  their homework every night no matter how much work they have. So it's really a good idea to __25_  a schedule  (时刻表).

    (    )16. A. First           B. Then          C. Above                            D. So

    (    )17. A. excited         B. afraid         C. necessary                          D. disappointed

    (    )18. A. than           B. and           C. but                              D. until

    (    )19. A. spend          B. pay           C. cost                 D. take

    (    )20. A. homework      B. time          C. teacher                           D. task

    (    )21. A. clean out       B. work out       C. keep out                          D. hang out

    (     )22. A. more         B. fewer          C. less                 D. better

    (    )23. A. finish          B. have          C. understand                        D. ask

    (    )24. A. with           B. in            C. on                                D. for

    (    )25. A. do             B. hold          C. put                               D. make

    三、阅读理解。 (10 分)

    Four fathers were in the waiting room of a hospital, while their wives were about to have a baby.

    The nurse came near and said to one of them, "Congratulations, Sir! You're the father of twins."

    "Oh!  What a coincidence(巧合)! "the man said proudly. "I work for Twins Football Team."

    The nurse returned in a little while and turned to the second man,  "Sir, you are the father of


    "Wow!  That's such a coincidence!" he answered. "I work for Three Bears Fast Food Restaurant."

    An hour later, while the four men were talking, the nurse came back. This time, she turned to the Third man. She said that his wife had just given birth to quadruplets.

    He was too surprised to reply.

    "Is there anything wrong?" asked the nurse.

    After a few seconds, the third man said,  "I can't believe it!  It's such a coincidence! I am a

    teacher at No. 4 Middle School."

         After hearing this, everybody's attention was caught by the fourth man who had just fainted (晕倒)onto the floor. The nurse rushed to him and after some time he slowly regained his consciousness(知觉).

          The nurse asked. "Sir, are you all right?"

         "Yes," said the man, "I'm OK now. I just had a surprising thought. I work at 7 Days Inn ..."

    26. The second man is the father of _________

        A. one baby         B. twins            C. triplets              D. quadruplets

    27. The underlined word "quadruplets" may mean "_________" in Chinese.

          A. 双胞胎   B. 三胞胎             C. 四胞胎               D. 五胞胎

    28. Why was the third man surprised?

         A. Because he worked at No. 4 Middle School.

         B. Because he worked for Twins Football Team.

        C. Because he worked for Three Bears Fast Food Restaurant.

         D. Because he worked at 7 Days Inn.

    29. According to the passage, the fourth man thought that he might have ________

         A. three babies                        B. seven babies

         C. at least three babies                  D. at least eleven babies

      30. The best title for the passage is _________

         A. Twins         B. Triplets          C. Quadruplets         D. Coincidence



    31. Students have to reach a certain  _____ (标准), or they will be refused.

    32. Team ______(精神) plays an important role in sports games. We can't win a game if we don't play together well enough.

    33. We can get _______(最新的) news on the Internet.

    34. We have to ___________(取消) the sports meeting because of the heavy rain.

    35. --Look! Daniel is running so hurriedly. Why?

          -- ___________ (大概) to catch the 6:30 bus.


    36. You should make an apology to her for your ________(care).

    37. To tell the________ (true), I like English on Campus better than any other magazine for students.

    38. I felt a great sense of _________(achieve) when I reached the top of the mountain.

    39. After dinner, my grandparents enjoy walking along the fiver side by side ______(peace).

    40. Liu Huan is one of the best _________(music) in China.



    We                                   an idea to solve the problem.


    They                                      walk home.


    He failed many times, but he____________________________


    Can you slow a little? I'm getting ____________________________________! 


    He insisted that he                                   the case.


          Detective Gilson was visiting his accountant(会计) in an old building on 1 January 2015. Suddenly he heard noises coming from above. First there were angry voices. Then came a scream, followed by a heavy thud(闷响).

          Gilson raced upstairs. On the next floor, he found an open door. Wiley Kline, a lawyer, lay on the floor, dead. Gilson called his partner. When he arrived, they examined the office. Near the dead man's hand was a half-smoked cigarette. On the floor, beside it were a turned-over wastebasket, a cheap lighter (打火机), and a blank notepad((便条本). On the desk they noticed a phone, a pen, and an ashtray(烟灰缸) filled with cigarette ends and burned matches.

          "Funny that none of his neighbours poked their heads out," Gilson observed. "Let's go and talk to them."

         The floor contained 3 other offices. The first door they knocked on was Helen Hurly's, a massage therapist (按摩师). She told them she was taking a break.

         "I didn't hear a thing," she claimed, pointing to the headphone (耳机) she'd just removed. "You say Wiley was murdered!  I'm not surprised. He must have cheated someone he'd ever met."

        The second office belonged to Jackson Cod, an artist. In one hand he held a paintbrush, in the other an unlit(为点燃的) cigar.

         "Sure I heard the scream. But I was caught in a moment of inspiration(灵感). Besides, you hear all sorts of things in this building." Jackson held out his cigar.  "Either of you fellows got a light?" he asked.

        In the No. 3 office was Lionel Wafer, another massage therapist, also taking a break.  "I heard a scream. What happened?" Gilson told him, and then he asked him why he was holding an ice pick (除). "Oh. I'm defrosting(除冰)," Lionel said and returned to the old refrigerator in the corner.

         "We have a suspect," Gilson said. Whom did Gilson suspect and why?

    A 46 


    Wiley Kline, a lawyer, was found   47  



    There was a half-smoked cigarette   48  the dead man's hand. The wastebasket was turned over.On the desk were a phone, a pen, and an ashtray   49  was filled with eigarette ends and burned matches.



    Helen Hurly: She   51  as a massage therapist. She was taking a break. She heard 52 . She thought the man's enemy killed him.

    Jackson Cod: He was an artist. There was an unlit cigar in one of his   53 . He didn't have a light.

    Lionel Wafer: He is taking a break. He   54  the scream. He was holding an ice pick.  He is defrosting the old refrigerator.


    The suspect is   55  .


    一,1-5 DADBB                             6-10 CDBAC                11-15 ABABA

    二,16-20 ABADB                21-25 DCACD

    三,26-30 CCABD

    四,A) 31. standard                32. spirit  33. up-to-date/latest 34. cancel     35. Probably

    B) 36. carelessness                37. truth  38. achievement  39. peacefully  40. musicians

    五,41. have come up with  42. had/have no choice but to  43. did not lose heart 

    44. out of breath 45. had nothing to do with

    六,46. murder      47. dead     48. near  49. which/ that 50. Suspects

    51. served/worked 52. nothing  53. hands 54. heard       55. Jackson Cod



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