for sale on sale的区别:中文意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。for sale意为供出售、待售,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作;on sale意为折价销售、减价出售,侧重于表述廉价、有折扣的销售。
1、for sale:供出售,待售。
2、on sale:折价销售,减价出售。
1、for sale:基本意思是“卖,出售,销售”,可指抽象的出售的行为,也可指具体的出售的动作,还可指某产品的销售总量,即“销售额,销售量”。用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词,作“销售额,销售量”解时通常用复数形式。
2、on sale:可指某商品以低于其原有价格水平的价格出售,即“廉售,贱卖”,还可指某商品的“销路,市场需求”。sale常用于on sale短语中,意为“上市”“减价销售”。
1、for sale:只是侧重于描述正在销售,正常价格。
2、on sale:侧重于表述廉价,有折扣的销售。
1、The new commemorative stamps will be puton sale next week.(新的纪念邮票将于下星期发售。)
2、The medicine ison sale everywhere. You can get it at any chemist's.(这种药到处都在卖。你可以在任何药店买到它。)
3、Several of his books wereon sale there.(他有几本书在这里出售。)
4、This TV set ison sale.(这台电视机正在出售。)
5、After walking into a store, you see that Huawei smartphones areon sale.(走进一家商店,你看到华为的智能手机正在打折。)
6、Are all these slipperson sale?(这些拖鞋都是特价吗?)
7、Tickets areon sale from the booking office.(售票处正在售票。)
1、Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they hadfor sale.(店主会在出售的商品上刻上石头、粘土或木头的符号。)
2、The beans are then ground and packagedfor sale as ground coffee.(咖啡豆接着被磨碎、包装,以研磨咖啡销售。)
3、On February 12th he put upfor sale a second tranche of 32 state-owned companies.(2月12号,他售出了第2部分32家国有公司的股票。)
4、A tenant may have a right of first refusal if a property is offeredfor sale.(如果房产要出售,房客可以有优先购买权。)
5、They've put their house upfor sale.(他们的房子现在出售。)
6、Some shoppers looked bewildered by the sheer variety of goodsfor sale.(一些顾客看上去对种类十分繁多的销售货品感到不知所措了。)
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